Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Gezondheid en Welzijn
campus Spoor Noord Noorderplaats
Noorderplaats 2 - 2000 Antwerpen
Workplace learning 129750/1693/1920/1/59
Study guide

Workplace learning 1

Academic year 2019-20
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Midwifery, programme stage 1
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 15 credits
Co-ordinator: Vanden Bergh Leen
Other teaching staff: Bernaerts An, Bernaerts Brigitte, Brouns Miek, De Bock Vanessa, Driessen Els, Gooris Giovanna, Meyvis Inge, Rimaux Sophie, van Asseldonk Fieke, Van de Craen Natacha, Van Doninck Caroline, Van Leugenhaege Luka, Verheyen Veerle
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 1 or Semester 2 or Academic year
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2019 () or 15.10.2019 () or 09.03.2020 ()
Re-sit exam: not possible.
Possibility of deliberation: You have to pass this course unit (will never be deliberated).
Total study time: 375,00 hours


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Learning outcomes (list)

1. Physiology, care and guidance
The student prepares the woman and newborn and prepares the necessary material
The student prepares women and newborns for dismissal and ensures correct follow-up to guarantee the continuity of care
The student calculates, prepares and administers medication to the woman and / or newborn and provides the necessary information
The student provides correct and appropriate advice on breastfeeding
The student provides correct and appropriate advice on the removal of breast milk (manual, electrical) and the storage, manipulation and administration of cooled mother's milk
The student provides correct and appropriate assistance and advice in administering, preparing, storing and manipulating artificial food
The student provides accurate information about (and teaches skills regarding) pelvic floor education
The student has knowledge and insight into the indication, side effect, dose and mode of administration of medication
The student interprets the collected data correctly (and sets up a (differential) diagnosis)
The student reports the administered care orally in a correct and appropriate manner
The student reports the administered care in a correct and appropriate manner in the written file
The student correctly manages material and room and installs the woman and newborn comfortably
The student plans a care plan to prepare the care
The student systematically collects all the necessary data and (vital, physical and obstetric) parameters of the woman and newborn
The student performs correctly performs the administration of a bloodsample and other species samples at the newborn and provides the necessary information
The student performs correctly performs the administration of a bloodsample and other species samples at the woman and provides the necessary information
The student correctly performs the hygienic care of the newborn during a normal low-risk maternal period
The student correctly performs the hygienic care of the woman during a normal low-risk maternal period
The student correctly administeres of women and newborns after birth, paying attention to the continuity of care
2. Risk detection and Risk selection
The student will consult a midwife or doctor on the basis of the risk detection (and indicate appropriately and timely if indicated)
The student detects (potential) risks and complications that may be a threat to the physiological progress of maternity
The student responds appropriately and appropriately during emergency situations (within his or her own discretion) until the midwife or doctor takes over
3. Pathology, care and guidance
The student prepares the care and care provider correctly and at a good pace in a pathological (crisis) situation and provides the necessary information
The student applies correct blood and blood derivatives, giving the necessary information
The student applies correct phototherapy and provides the necessary information
The student applies the hygienic care to the woman after a C-section or in complications
The student performs the nursing procedures correctly and provides the necessary information (including infusion, bladder probe, wound care)
4. Psycho-social context
The student offers support for baby blues, attachment, transition to parenting and relational changes
The student recognizes psychosocial crisis situations, provides support and responds correctly
The student shows respect and empathy for the cultural background, values and norms of the woman, her family and the environment
5. Ethics and legislation
The student will be able to deal with the values and norms in obstetrics
The student acts correctly according to the legal and theoretical standards and rules regarding the exercise of the profession
The student makes ethical situations negotiable
The student respects professional secrecy
6. Health education
The student is studying the quality and relevance of existing information material according to the checklists that were explained in the phase of adolescence 1
The student empowers the woman and her family and stimulates self-care
The student provides accurate information and teaches skills such as the care and physiological changes of women and newborns
The student provides information and advice appropriately and at the appropriate time and helps families to make informed choices.
7. Collaboration and Communication
The student communicates correctly (verbally and / or in writing) with colleagues, doctors and other healthcare providers
The student correctly performs administrative, organizational and coordinating tasks
The student works with colleagues, doctors and other healthcare providers to ensure continuity and efficiency of care
8. Coaching
The student gives feedback in an appropriate manner
The student is an example for fellow students
9. Professionalisation
The student does self-reflection and, if necessary, sends his / her own actions
The student develops a personal development plan and actively engages in professional growth
The student asks feedback and responsibly and constructively deals with it
10. Evidence-based midwifery
The student critically analyzes the care services
The student acts correctly based on evidence based midwifery practice
The student integrates the learned theory in practice
The student refers correctly to the literature according to the requested guidelines
The student is involved in the registration of data aimed at optimizing perinatal care
11. Quality of care
The student is decisive
The student is trustworthy and has responsibility
The student is flexible
The student is independent and takes appropriate initiative
The student correctly organizes the total care of women and newborns
The student correctly applies the following basic principles: hygiene, sterility, comfort, safety, ergonomics, economics, ecology
The student plants and carries out the care according to the principles of methodical action: conscious, systematic, processual and purposeful

Study material (list)

Mandatory€ 41,50
  • Author: E. Bakker, H. Van Buuren e.a.
Mandatory€ 59,95
  • Author: Sassen, B.
Mandatory€ 21,50
  • Author: Vermaat, J.H., Weierink, J.H.
Electronic Learning EnvironmentMandatory
  • Author: AP Hogeschool Antwerpen
Recommended€ 39,95
  • Author: A.A.F. Jochems, e.a.
Recommended€ 14,50
  • Author: Simon Burgers

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Lectures and / or tutorials7,00 hours
Practicum45,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours135,50 hours
Workplace training and / or internship187,50 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for both exam chances, not reproducible in re-sit exam
Academic yearContinuous project assignment (Permanent evaluation)10,00Opdracht rond het geven van neutraal gebalanceerde informatie op basis van een casus op de werkplek. De student is gebonden aan het beroepsgeheim dat geldt voor werkers in de gezondheidszorg. Zo dienen bijvoorbeeld gegevens verkregen uit onderzoek onder patiënten of onder artsen geanonimiseerd in deze opdracht te worden opgenomen. Indien het beroepsgeheim niet wordt gerespecteerd, resulteert dit in een 0 op deze opdracht!
Academic yearInternship65,00Binnen de stages worden al de leerresultaten vanuit het Vlaamse opleidingsprofiel geïntegreerd getoond en getoetst. Per geplande stage wordt er een stage-evaluatie opgemaakt. De gedetailleerde evaluatiemethodiek is terug te vinden in het stagereglement.
Academic yearSkills assessment simulation25,00Aan het einde van dit opleidingsonderdeel volgt het assessment in de vorm van een simulatie waarbij verschillende vaardigheden geïntegreerd worden. Voor verdere informatie: zie toetsplan bachelor in de vroedkunde en de toetsmatrijs van Werkplekleren 1 (cfr. digitap).