Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Management en Communicatie
campus Meistraat
Meistraat 5 - 2000 Antwerpen
T +32 3 220 55 20 - F +32 3 220 55 59
Public affairs16987/1696/1920/1/74

Public affairs

Academiejaar 2019-20
Komt voor in:
  • Bachelor in het communicatiemanagement, trajectschijf 3
    • Keuzepakket 2+3CC
    • Keuzepakket CC - 360°-/andere bach
Dit is een enkelvoudig opleidingsonderdeel.
Studieomvang: 3 studiepunten
Titularis: Hye Dirk
Onderwijstalen: Engels
Kalender: Semester 1
Dit opleidingsonderdeel wordt gequoteerd op 20 (tot op een geheel getal).
Mogelijke grensdata voor leerkrediet: 15.10.2019 (1ste semester)
Tweede examenkans: wel mogelijk.
Tolereerbaarheid: Dit opleidingsonderdeel komt in aanmerking voor tolerantie onder de voorwaarden van de opleiding waarvoor je bent ingeschreven.
Totale studietijd: 78,00 uren


geslaagd of getolereerd voor PR en reputatiemanagement EN binnen trajectschijf 1 al minstens 60 studiepunten afgewerkt hebben EN binnen trajectschijf 2 al minstens 20 studiepunten afgewerkt hebben OF (binnen trajectschijf 1 al minstens 60 studiepunten afgewerkt hebben EN binnen trajectschijf 2 al minstens 40 studiepunten afgewerkt hebben).

Korte omschrijving

This course focuses on the essence of Public Relations: retaining good relations with crucial target groups such as action groups, governmental institutions and the close envinronment in which corporations and organizations operate. Quite often this includes capitalizing on public opinion and maintaining a good relationship with the press. This course also analyzes the working of the European decision-making process in order to understand how decisions can be influenced. The course includes typical lobbying techniques and strategies.

Begincompetenties (tekst)


OLR-Leerdoelen (lijst)

Anderstalige tekstproductie
You can draft a written report of an issue
Deadlinegericht werken
You respect deadlines regarding the analysis of an issue
Deontologisch verantwoord handelen
You are acquainted with the legal framework of lobbying techniques and strategies
Informatie zoeken en beoordelen
You can analyze an issue, map the different stakeholders and their arguments and be able to determine the power of balance of these stakeholders
Maatschappijbewustzijn & actualiteitszin
You are aware of the importance of environmental and government relations and particularly of the major influence of the institutions of the European Union on issues concerning companies as well as interest groups and non profit organizations.
You know how to approach political decision-makers
You understand the impact of new legislative measures on the future of an organization


The first part of this course focuses on the relationship of an organization with its environment. The role of public opinion, action groups and the press are emphasized.
The second part of the course focuses on lobbying techniques and strategies that help to approach and to influence political and governmental decision-makers. Basic knowledge of the decision-making process of the European Union will be presented during the course.

Studiematerialen (lijst)

Syllabus: Public Affairs: Community and Government RelationsVerplicht
Internet:Verplicht€ 50,00


Voorziene tijd voor toetsing2,00 uren
Hoor- en/of werkcolleges20,00 uren
Practicum en/of oefeningen4,00 uren
Vormen van groepsleren
Werkplekleren en/of stage
Werktijd buiten de contacturen52,00 uren

Toetsing (lijst)

Evaluatie(s) voor de eerste examenkans
AcademiejaarKennistoets60,00written exam based on the knowledge of syllabus, powerpointslides, guest lectures and newswatching
AcademiejaarProjectopdracht permanent (Permanente evaluatie)40,00writing a group paper which analyzes the stakeholder field of an issue. This paper needs to be handed in at the end of the semester. A task or assignment that is handed over too late receives a score of 0. If one literally takes over statements from another without mentioning the source of this quote, a form of intellectual theft (plagiarism) is committed. Plagiarism is punished following the procedure mentioned in the examination regulations (also called "OER").
Evaluatie(s) voor de tweede examenkans
Tweede examenperiodeKennistoets60,00The scores of the partial exams (60% written exam and 40% group paper) are counted up in the first exam period. If you have a total score of less than 50% you should redo your written exam when you did not obtain a minimum of 50% for this written exam in the first exam period. If you obtained a minimum of 50% for the written exam in the first exam period, this score will be transferred to the second exam period and added to the score of your individual paper.
Tweede examenperiodeProjectopdracht40,00The scores of the partial exams (60% written exam and 40% group paper) are counted up in the first exam period. If you have a total score of less than 50% an individual paper needs to be realized when you did not obtain a minimum of 50% for the group paper in the first exam period. If you obtained a minimum of 50% for the group paper in the first exam period, this score will be transferred to the second exam period and added to your partial score obtained for the written exam.
If one literally takes over statements from another without mentioning the source of this quote, a form of intellectual theft (plagiarism) is committed. Plagiarism is punished following the procedure mentioned in the examination regulations (also called "OER").