Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Management en Communicatie
campus Meistraat
Meistraat 5 - 2000 Antwerpen
T +32 3 220 55 20 - F +32 3 220 55 59
Word III/1 MMA25734/1699/1920/1/49
Study guide

Word III/1 MMA

Academic year 2019-20
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Office Management, programme stage 2
    • Health Care Management
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
Teaching staff: Masschelin An
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Module 1
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 30.09.2019 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of tolerance: This course unit is eligible for tolerance according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 78,00 hours


(having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Word / 3 OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Word I, powerpoint I / 2) AND having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Word II / 3.

Learning outcomes (list)

The Bachelor Office Management can evaluate his own actions and thoughts, those of others and of his environment. The Bachelor Office Management can identify problems that arise and contribute to solving them. The Bachelor Office Management has a broad interest in and shows openness to other cultures, current affairs, politics, social and economic events.
Understanding of the process of the learned automation techniques from different parts Word.
Can indicate which is the most efficient way to solve a problem within Word.
The Bachelor Office Management shows an active attitude towards professional development, realizes the need for lifelong learning and is prepared to continue training. The Bachelor Office Management pays attention to new trends, accepts comments and learns from its own mistakes.
a full keyboard control is expected.
From a clear insight in the organization of what needs to be done, The Bachelor Office Management can work both systematically and thematically. The Bachelor Office Management takes responsibility for this and performs coordinating tasks within the office. The Bachelor Office Management can deal with stress situations, reacts efficiently, flexibly and courteously under all circumstances.
can automate routine tasks in Word.
The Bachelor Office Management plans, coordinates and organizes manager actions, events, meetings, conferences, business trips and appointments with customers and external commercial contacts. The Bachelor Office Management understands the requirements for the preparation and organization of meetings and helps to monitor decision-making. The Bachelor Office Management organizes and coordinates the secretariat, determines the work schedule at the secretariat, coordinates and advises on the introduction of new procedures and directs the logistics secretariat.
can automate routine tasks in Word.
The Bachelor Office Management shows an active attitude towards professional development, realizes the need for lifelong learning and is prepared to continue training. The Bachelor Office Management pays attention to new trends, accepts comments and learns from its own mistakes.
The examination paper Word could finish within the set time of 75 minutes.
The most advanced techniques and automation control functions within Word and apply them correctly.
can solve an exercise Word within 75 minutes.
Can indicate which is the most efficient way to solve a problem within Word.
integrate the various actions in Word in new situations from a thorough understanding.
Independently make a combined Word Task on the basis of the knowledge acquired.
The student concretizes the techniques learned in exercises and solve them on an independent basis on.
a full keyboard control is expected.
integrate the various actions in Word in new situations from a thorough understanding.
Independently make a combined Word Task on the basis of the knowledge acquired.
The student works on an independent basis with Word 2016.
The Bachelor Office Management works autonomously, sets priorities in the interest of the company. The Bachelor Office Management spontaneously helps with urgent work, makes suggestions to solve problems, is innovative and creative.
Control and use of the opportunities for exchanges between the different sets of MS Office.
integrate the various actions in Word in new situations from a thorough understanding.

Study material (list)

Electronic Learning EnvironmentMandatory
  • Author: AP Hogeschool Antwerpen

Educational organisation (list)

Exam duration
Estimated time for testing1,00 hours
Learning Activities
Lectures and / or tutorials12,00 hours
Practicum12,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours53,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Academic yearSkills assessment hands on100,00Digitaal examen van 75 minuten met gesloten boek.
Het examen wordt gequoteerd op 20 punten
Om technische redenen is het niet toegestaan na het officiƫle aanvangsuur aan het examen deel te nemen. De mogelijkheid om tot 30 minuten na de aanvang van het examen te starten, geldt hier niet. De aanvangstijd zoals vermeld op het rooster zal strikt gehanteerd worden. Studenten dienen 15 minuten op voorhand aanwezig te zijn. Wie te laat komt, kan niet meer deelnemen. De studenten dienen zicht te houden aan de timing en aan de afspraken die gelden voor de examengroep waarin ze zijn ingedeeld. Het is bijgevolg niet toegestaan te wisselen van examengroep. De toezichthoudende lectoren zullen deze afspraken stipt opvolgen.
Het examen wordt afgelegd met gesloten boek
Tijdens het examen dient er om de 5 minuten tussentijds bewaard te worden op de vereiste plaats. Indien het pakket tijdens het examen blokkeert/afsluit krijgt de student 5 minuten extra werktijd. De voorziene werktijd wordt bij de aanvang van het examen medegedeeld. Er mag niet langer worden gewerkt dan de opgegeven werktijd. Alleen bestanden die op de vereiste plaats bewaard zijn worden aanvaard. De plaats waar de bestanden moeten worden bewaard, wordt medegedeeld bij de aanvang van het examen.
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
Academic yearSkills assessment hands on100,00Digitaal examen van 75 minuten met gesloten boek op 20 punten.
De leerstof van de tweede zittijd en de praktische richtlijnen zijn gelijk aan die van de eerste zittijd.