Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Gezondheid en Welzijn
campus Spoor Noord Noorderplaats
Noorderplaats 2 - 2000 Antwerpen
Internship A128164/1690/1920/1/88
Study guide

Internship A1

Academic year 2019-20
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Social Educational Care Work, programme stage 2
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 8 credits
Co-ordinator: Verjans Joël
Other teaching staff: Van den Bergh Els
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 09.03.2020 ()
Re-sit exam: not possible.
Possibility of tolerance: You have to pass this course unit (will never be tolerated).
Total study time: 208,00 hours


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Learning outcomes (list)

The professional bachelor in social educational care work is able to build a professional relationship with the client and the client system in keeping with an orthopedagogical attitude, he takes care of this relationship and makes sure the relationship can be discontinued with care.
The student describes the way he counsels clients; with attention to proximity-distance, emotionality-rationality, to steer or to follow the client, to work individually with a client or in a group)
The student recognizes an attitude of multi-directional partiality (multiple partiality)
The professional bachelor in social educational care work independently assesses the possibilities and limitations of the client, in consultation with the client and his system and within the context of a team.
The student analyses the client group (possibilities and limitations, specific problems, interests, sensitivities, ability to come into contact, communication, social perspectives, social context, ...)
The bachelor in social educational care work supports, guides, organizes and coordinates living, work and leisure activities in the daily context of the client. He hereby acts in a methodical and sustainable way, with attention to creativity and innovation. He consciously takes action to guarantee the developmental opportunities and the quality of life of the client.
The student intentionally supervises activities of daily living taking the current climate and possible unexpected situations into account
The professional bachelor in social educational care work actively contributes (on micro-, meso- and macrolevel) to increase understanding and commitment concerning ethical, normative and social issues related to the profession. He acts in accordance to the universal rights and values.
The student informs himself on current themes connected to the organization
The bachelor in social educational care work adapts his professional agogical conduct by making use of critical self reflection, recent insights from scientific research and local, European and international evolutions.
The student analyzes practice situations using different reflection models ("spiral model", "onion model")
The student discusses practice situations using orthopedagogical and other theoretical frameworks and given concepts
The student processes relevant information in a critical manner
The student looks up information from several national and international sources (included sources from outside the educational programme) with respect to his own learning process in an independant and goaloriented way
The student openly evaluates his learningprocess for himself, the team, the internshipsupervisor and the practice lecturer (in a way that is visible to)
He assists in analyzing the care need of clients and actively helps to guide the process of drawing up a care need plan. In consultation with the parties involved, the bachelor in social educational care work selects goals and suitable methods based on his acquired orthopedagogical knowledge.
The student uses the existing action plan as a guideline
The student formulates the goals set in the care need of the client
The student identifies the existing plan of action and the used methodes and techniques to achieve these goals
The bachelor in social educational care work collaborates with colleagues in an interdisciplinairy way and communicates with clients, the client system, colleagues and external parties, in a clear and respectful manner, even when the context is complex and specialized.
The student makes written reports in a clear, complete and revelant way both internal and external (diary, report, consultation moments)
In consultation with the client and the client system, the bachelor in social educational care work creates a climate that stimulates the emotional, social, cognitive and motor development of the client.
The student analyzes the current climate in function of the client's support request /client systemwith respect to the care need of the clients and the view of the organization
The student identifies the climate clients need to feel safe and to blossom
The bachelor in social educational care work supports the client in reinforcing his network in a qualitative and sustainable way, in order to boost the well being and social participation of the client.
The student does not lose sight of the network of the client while counseling/ in the professional context
The student recognizes an attitude of multi-directional partiality (multiple partiality)
The student indicates how he could influence the network of the client in accordance to his job description
The bachelor in social educational care work actively contributes to vision development, making and laying down the policy and managing the organization.
The student describes the structure and workings and vision of the organization
The student describes how the organization is embedded in the field of social care (referral, joint indertaking, place in the care trajectory)

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Collaborative learning10,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours37,00 hours
Workplace training and / or internship161,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for both exam chances, not reproducible in re-sit exam
Academic yearInternship100,001. Korte omschrijving van de toets
De stagebeoordeling gebeurt op basis van:
° De tussentijdse en de eindevaluatie aan de hand van het evaluatieschema waarbij de stagiair aanwezig is.
° Een kwalitatieve beoordeling aan de hand van het scoringsinstrument (zie stagebundel).
° Een appreciatie onder de vorm van een synthese gegeven aan de stagiair door de stagementor. De stagementor adviseert de stagebegeleider over het resultaat behaald tijdens de stage.
Voor het toekennen van de punten door de stagebegeleider wordt rekening gehouden met:
° De evoluties van de stagiair over de ganse stageperiode
° De stagesupervisies, de eventuele individuele gesprekken, de evaluatiebespreking en de schriftelijke opdrachten die verwacht worden van de stagiair door de stagebegeleider.
2. Toetsmethode
Gedragsobservatie, werkstukken en presentatie
3. Bron
4. Toetsmedium
Mondeling en schriftelijk
5. Toetsmoment
Permanent uitgesteld
6. Beoordelaar
Stagebegeleider (= lector)
7. Afspraken rond verplichte aanwezigheden en afwezigheden:
In geval van afwezigheid brengt de stagiair onmiddellijk de stageplaats en de hogeschool op de hoogte. Wanneer de stagiair afwezig is wegens ziekte, bezorgt hij een doktersattest aan de stageplaats. Voor de school dient de student het officiële document dat de afwezigheid staaft te uploaden via de module ‘Mijn afwezigheden’ in iBamaflex. Uiterlijk 4 kalenderdagen na de dag van de afwezigheid uploadt de student zijn afwezigheidsattest. Dit vanaf de eerste dag afwezigheid.
Bij ongewettigde afwezigheid op het arbeidsgeneeskundig onderzoek wordt 1 punt van het totaalcijfer afgetrokken voor elke afwezigheid. De procedure “Medische opvolging bij practicum en stage” zoals raadpleegbaar op het digitaal leerplatform moet worden nageleefd.

De student dient de vooropgestelde stage-uren uit te voeren. De student moet maandelijks en in elk geval voor elke evaluatie een overzicht bezorgen aan de stagebegeleider van de gepresteerde uren.

Als de student ongewettigd afwezig is, wordt er een 0 op 20 toegekend voor de stage.

Bij gewettigde afwezigheden is het de verantwoordelijkheid van de student om in functie van het kunnen behalen van alle eindcompetenties van het opleidingsonderdeel, in samenspraak met de stagebegeleider en de stageplaats, de uren waarop hij gewettigd afwezig was, in te halen.
Als de student aan het einde van de stageperiode echter meer dan 10% van de totaal uit te voeren stage-uren gewettigd afwezig was, wordt er een 0 op 20 toegekend.

Het opleidingshoofd kan afwijken van deze regels op basis van een schriftelijke gemotiveerde aanvraag na overleg met stageplaats en stagebegeleider.

Zie ook artikels 15 en 16 van het stagereglement.