Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Management en Communicatie
campus Meistraat
Meistraat 5 - 2000 Antwerpen
T +32 3 220 55 20 - F +32 3 220 55 59
Study guide


Academic year 2019-20
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Business Management (Paralegal Studies), programme stage 1
    • Paralegal Studies
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Teaching staff: Baekeland Christophe, Heremans Ann
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Module 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 02.12.2019 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of tolerance: This course unit is eligible for tolerance according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 78,00 hours


(previously registered for Study of legal sources/1).

Learning outcomes (list)

Communicates, reports, presents and argues in an efficient and effective way in Dutch within the confines of his/her business context;
The student correctly refers to recovered legislation, case law and doctrine.
Masters legal jargon in Dutch, French and English.
The student correctly refers to recovered legislation, case law and doctrine.
Systematically makes use of professional business sources and critically interprets the derived information before acting upon it;
The student analyzes the structure of a jugement
The student differentiates the motivational and decisive part of a judgment
The student classes the content of the Belgian Official Journal
The student finds articles of law in the code
Uses the most current IT- business applications and software packages;
The student finds legislation and jurisdiction through databases on personal computer
Masters general concepts of business economics in a global economy and legal environment;
The student lists the features of legislation, jurisdiction and legal doctrine
Prepares, handles and follows up, independently or as part of a team, legal case/files within the confines of applicable regulations, procedures and guidelines within the para-legal profession.
The student analyzes the structure of a jugement
The student finds legislation and jurisdiction through databases on personal computer
The student finds articles of law in the code
Substantively supports the law professionals (bailiffs, notaries public, magistrates, barristers, solicitors,…)
The student differentiates the motivational and decisive part of a judgment
The student lists the features of legislation, jurisdiction and legal doctrine
The student classes the content of the Belgian Official Journal

Study material (list)

Electronic Learning EnvironmentMandatory
  • Author: AP Hogeschool Antwerpen

Educational organisation (list)

Exam duration
Estimated time for testing3,00 hours
Lectures and / or tutorials4,00 hours
Lectures and / or tutorials8,00 hours
Practicum16,00 hours
Practicum8,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours51,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours63,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Academic yearContinuous skills assessment hands off (Permanent evaluation)20,00Schriftelijke V&A-Test (gesloten boek) waarbij gepeild wordt naar inzicht aan de hand van oefeningen. Deze Test wordt tijdens de loop van het academiejaar afgenomen. Voor verdere informatie, zie Digitap.
Academic yearKnowledge test20,00Schriftelijk examen (gesloten boek) waarbij gepeild wordt naar theoretische kennis aan de hand van stellingen. Voor verdere informatie, zie Digitap.
Academic yearSkills assessment hands off60,00Schriftelijk examen (gesloten boek) waarbij gepeild wordt naar inzicht onder de vorm van opzoekvragen, redeneervragen, casussen en analyse van regelgeving en/of rechtspraak. Voor verdere informatie, zie Digitap.
Praktijkvragen op het schriftelijk examen (gesloten boek). Voor meer informatie zie Digitap.
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodKnowledge test20,00Schriftelijk examen (gesloten boek) waarbij gepeild wordt naar theoretische kennis aan de hand van stellingen. Voor verdere informatie, zie Digitap.
2nd examination periodSkills assessment hands off80,00Schriftelijk examen (gesloten boek) waarbij gepeild wordt naar inzicht onder de vorm van opzoekvragen, redeneervragen, casussen, verwijzingen & afkortingen (V&A) en analyse van regelgeving en/of rechtspraak. Voor verdere informatie, zie Digitap.