Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Onderwijs en Training
campus Spoor Noord Noorderplaats
Noorderplaats 2 - 2000 Antwerpen
NCZ 5 political axiology26411/1709/1920/1/08
Study guide

NCZ 5 political axiology

Academic year 2019-20
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education, programme stage 3
    Programme option:
    • Non confessional education
  • Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education
    Programme option:
    • Non confessional education
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
Co-ordinator: Saey Mark
Other teaching staff: De Meyer Danny
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 1
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2019 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of tolerance: This course unit is eligible for tolerance according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 75,00 hours


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Learning outcomes (list)

Learning promotion: Appropriate learning content
to be able to display the history and characteristics of parliamentary democracy
to be able to represent the problems of technocratic tendencies
reflect the dangers of populism to democracy
Self-development: creative thinking
to substantiate the importance of Europe as a political entity
Self-development: critically reflecting
to be able to reflect critically on the role of the media
to be able to reflect critically on the nationalistic framework

Study material (list)

Mandatory€ 22,50
  • Author: Stefan Rummens
Mandatory€ 5,00

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Lectures and / or tutorials12,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours63,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Semester 1Continuous reflection assignment (Permanent evaluation)20,00reflectieopdracht over de politieke actualiteit, geldt als deelexamen. Het deelcijfer kan niet worden overgedragen naar de tweede examenkans.
Semester 1Knowledge test80,00schriftelijk examen gesloten boek
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodKnowledge test100,00schriftelijk examen met gesloten boek