Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Onderwijs en Training
campus Spoor Noord Noorderplaats
Noorderplaats 2 - 2000 Antwerpen
French 2 applied didactics23881/1709/1920/1/27
Study guide

French 2 applied didactics

Academic year 2019-20
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education, programme stage 1
    Programme option:
    • French
  • Bachelor of Education: Secondary Education
    Programme option:
    • French
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Co-ordinator: Goldwasser Janine
Other teaching staff: Adam Natacha, Caelen Deeviet, Daems Céline, Pellens Ann
Languages: French
Scheduled for: Semester 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 09.03.2020 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of tolerance: You have to pass this course unit (will never be tolerated).
Total study time: 75,00 hours


previously registered for General Didactics 1+2 OR to be taken together with General Didactics 1+2.

Learning outcomes (list)

Interaction - managing the class
can determine and guard safety in the own education field
Interaction - handle Diversity
can, when solving questions and instructions, hold into account the own language and the language level of the target audience
Interaction - Inspiring Coaching
can name and explain the elements that influence the motivation for students for the course French either positively or negatively
Interaction: Show intercultural engagement
can, when solving questions and instructions, hold into account the own language and the language level of the target audience
Interaction - Develop language
can, when solving questions and instructions, hold into account the own language and the language level of the target audience
can name the differences between language acquisition of the mother tongue and French as a second language
can scetch the language acquisition process in the mother tongue
can give instructions, use proper questioning and build up an educational learning conversation
interaction - Improve well-being and engagement
can determine and guard safety in the own education field
learning promotion: determine the initial didactic situation
can determine the initial didactic situation of the students at the start of the first grade
can name the differences between language acquisition of the mother tongue and French as a second language
can scetch the language acquisition process in the mother tongue
Learning Promotion: act in a Didactic context
can translate all components of a didactic model to a suitable course o the lesson for that course
can apply the theory around the didactic model (Initial didactic situation, curriculum goals, didactical principals, work methods, contents of learning, media and differentiation) in concrete situations
applies specific characteristics of the course and its didactics when making a lesson plan
is able to create a lesson plan that enveloppes all components
Learning Promotion - work Targeted
can put the relationship of curriculum goals and/or professional profiles to curriculums and lesson goals into words
can purposefuly look things up in a curriculum of a course
Learning promotion: Appropriate learning content
communicative grammar and vocabulary exercises devise and select
can show the structure and construction of the course (and content of the course)
Self-development: investigative actions
can paint the historical evolution within foreign language didactics concise
can compare the most common textbooks for French
Self-development: plan-making
can show the structure and construction of the course (and content of the course)

Study material (list)

Mandatory€ 2,00
  • Author: Goldwasser J.
Recommended€ 31,00
  • Author: Tagliante

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Lectures and / or tutorials21,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours54,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Semester 2Continuous skills assessment hands on (Permanent evaluation)25,00mondeling en schriftelijk
De student is verplicht aan de lessen voor dit opleidingsonderdeel deel te nemen aangezien actieve participatie in de lessen nodig is om ervoor te zorgen dat de student de beoogde competenties voldoende ontwikkelt. Als de student in meer dan 20% van de lessen ongewettigd afwezig is, verliest hij het recht op deelname aan alle deelexamens van de eerste examenperiode. Om zijn afwezigheid te wettigen, dient de student het medische attest of het nodige bewijsmateriaal voor de overmachtssituatie in bij de titularis per e-mail, ten laatste 2 kalenderdagen na de dag van de afwezigheid.
Semester 2Knowledge test37,50examen mondeling (30'/student)
Semester 2Skills assessment hands on37,50examen mondeling
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodKnowledge test50,00examen mondeling (30'/student)
2nd examination periodSkills assessment hands on50,00examen mondeling