Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Management en Communicatie
campus Meistraat
Meistraat 5 - 2000 Antwerpen
T +32 3 220 55 20 - F +32 3 220 55 59
WS4 Communication research13819/2184/2122/1/91
Study guide

WS4 Communication research

Academic year 2021-22
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Communication Management, programme stage 2
    • Commercial Communication
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 5 credits
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Co-ordinator: Van Assche Veerle
Other teaching staff: Broos Gisèle, De Greef Rit, Heirman Wannes
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 1 + Semester 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2021 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of tolerance: You have to pass this course unit (will never be tolerated).
Total study time: 130,00 hours


having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Research techniques AND having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Economics: topics AND having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Commercial communication AND having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Public Relations AND having finished at least 40 ects credits in programme part (year) 1 AND (to be taken together with Advertising OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Advertising) AND (to be taken together with Communication research (2CC) OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Communication research (2CC)).

Learning outcomes (list)

You formulate a communication problem autonomously and participate in initiating, planning and carrying out applied research around communicators, channels, messages or receivers, starting from a defined assignment. You report on this to colleagues and lay people.
You'll participate in conducting and reporting on competitive analysis based on a combination of desk and field research.
You'll go through the different steps of the research cycle of a simple self-designed communication research.
You'll analyze research results using Excel and display them visually.
You write fluent, correct and well-structured Dutch-language informative and persuasive communication messages in which the angle, content, structure, choice of words and tone match the medium, the message and the target group.
You write an informative report that meets the basic principles of scientific writing.

Study material (list)

  • Author: Verhoeven, Nel

Educational organisation (list)

Exam duration
Estimated time for testing
Learning Activities
Collaborative learning72,00 hours
Lectures and / or tutorials13,00 hours
Practicum45,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours
Workplace training and / or internship

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Academic yearContinuous project assignment (Permanent evaluation)25,00Communicatieonderzoek.
De evaluatie van dit facet bestaat uit een combinatie van proces- en productevaluatie.
De student werkt aan individuele opdrachten en groepsopdrachten. In de opdrachten zit ook een individuele vaardigheidstoets. Omwille van het procesmatige karakter resulteren 3 afwezigheden op de voorziene contactmomenten in een nul op het facet communicatieonderzoek. Medische attesten gelden niet als verzachtende omstandigheid.
Academic yearContinuous project assignment (Permanent evaluation)25,00Nederlands: mails naar externen, vergaderverslagen en paper (tussentijdse versies en eindpaper)
Voor elke deeltaak geldt de volgende regel: per dt-fout verlies je 10% van het totaal voor de betreffende taak.
Meer details in de studiewijzer op Digitap.
Academic yearContinuous project assignment (Permanent evaluation)25,00Marketing: paper. Tussentijdse evaluatie en eindpaper.
Meer details in de studiewijzer op Digitap.

Academic yearSkills assessment hands on25,00Informatica. Twee toetsmomenten: één tijdens het semester en één in de examenreeks. Digitaal open boek. De studenten moeten opgaven oplossen in excel (grafiek, draaitabel, queries, als-functie enz ...).
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodProject assignment25,00Nederlands: paper marketing. Voor elke deeltaak geldt de volgende regel: per dt-fout verlies je 10% van het totaal voor de betreffende taak.
Meer details in de studiewijzer op Digitap.
2nd examination periodProject assignment15,00Communicatieonderzoek: paper (als eindresultaat van individueel onderzoek)
2nd examination periodProject assignment25,00Marketing: paper
2nd examination periodSkills assessment hands on10,00Communicatieonderzoek. Vaardigheidstoets in verband met het interpreteren en verwerken van grafieken en tabellen.
2nd examination periodSkills assessment hands on25,00Informatica: digitaal open boek examen. De studenten moeten opgaven oplossen in excel (grafiek, draaitabel, queries, als-functie enz ...).