Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Gezondheid en Welzijn
campus Spoor Noord Noorderplaats
Noorderplaats 2 - 2000 Antwerpen
Activating support of teachers 524101/2195/2122/1/14
Study guide

Activating support of teachers 5

Academic year 2021-22
Is found in:
  • Bachelor in Social Educational Care Work, programme stage 3
    Programme option:
    • Educational Support
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 6 credits
Co-ordinator: Avonds Mieke
Other teaching staff: Van den Bergh Els
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 1
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2021 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of tolerance: This course unit is eligible for tolerance according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 156,00 hours


((having finished at least 60 ects credits in programme part (year) 1 AND (having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Orthoagogics 3 OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Orthoagogics - distance/blended 3) AND having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Ortho-agogic work 3) OR (having finished at least 60 ects credits in programme part (year) 1 AND (having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Orthopedagogics 3 OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Orthopedagogics - distance/blended 3) AND having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Orthopedagogical work 3)) AND ((to be taken together with Internship - Internship Supervision/5 OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Internship - Internship Supervision/5) OR (to be taken together with Internship - Internship Supervision/5 OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Internship - Internship Supervision/5) OR (to be taken together with Internship D2 OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Internship D2) OR (to be taken together with Internship G2 OR having passed Internship G2) OR (to be taken together with Internship H2 OR having passed, or having a tolerated mark for Internship H2)).

Learning outcomes (list)

The professional bachelor in social educational care work is able to build a professional relationship with the client and the client system in keeping with an orthopedagogical attitude, he takes care of this relationship and makes sure the relationship can be discontinued with care.
The student develops a professional and supportive relationship with the teacher
The student takes the influence of the frame of reference of other actors (values, norms, own experiences, knowledge, ...) with regard to education into account
The bachelor in social educational care work adapts his professional agogical conduct by making use of critical self reflection, recent insights from scientific research and local, European and international evolutions.
The student describes how he'll deal with his learning points and strengths in the future
The student critically evaluates his own conversations
The student shows insight in his own learning process and describes this insight in his reflectionreports
The bachelor in social educational care work collaborates with colleagues in an interdisciplinairy way and communicates with clients, the client system, colleagues and external parties, in a clear and respectful manner, even when the context is complex and specialized.
The student communicates in an appropriate way (respectful, understandable, correctly, with respect to the professional code of conduct)
The bachelor in social educational care work actively contributes to vision development, making and laying down the policy and managing the organization.
The student critically discusses the organization and workings of care
The student describes the learning question, the short and long term goals and actions to work on.
The student describes the level of reflection achieved during the conversation with a teacher.
The student has 3 conversations with a teacher (start, support, evaluation)
The student supports teachers in an activating way in accordance to the GOL(L)D concept
The student indicates the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in dealing with diversity

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Practicum15,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours111,00 hours
Workplace training and / or internship30,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Academic yearPortfolio100,001. Korte omschrijving van de toets
: De student toont in het portfolio aan dat hij/zij de competenties bereikt heeft.
2. Toetsmethode: werkstuk
3. Bron: Open boek
4.Toetsmedium: Schriftelijk
5. Toetsmoment: Momentopname na proces
6. Beoordelaar: Lector
7. Clausule voor taal: Voor taal- en vormfouten worden er binnen de opleiding orthopedagogie tot 4 punten afgetrokken op schriftelijke opdrachten (verdeling zie onder).
1pt: Afspraken rond de opdracht (met bronvermelding)
1pt: Tekststructuur (& lay-out)
1pt: Formulering: doelgerichte, professionele schrijfstijl
1pt: Correcte taal
8. Afspraken rond verplichte aanwezigheden en afwezigheden: Bij afwezigheid tijdens de les verwittigt de student de lector ten laatste op de dag van de afwezigheid en wettigt de afwezigheid binnen de 4 werkdagen aan de hand van een medisch attest via de module ‘Mijn afwezigheden’ in iBaMaFlex.
Wanneer de student niet deelneemt aan 2 intervisies (gewettigde of ongewettigde afwezigheid) moet hij een tweede gesprekstraject houden met een leerkracht en dit integreren in het portfolio. Dit deel wordt mee beoordeeld in het portfolio.
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodPortfolio100,001. Korte omschrijving van de toets: De student toont in het portfolio aan dat hij/zij de competenties bereikt heeft.
De gesprekken worden gevoerd met een leerkracht die op het moment van de gesprekken les geeft. Zie studiewijzer voor afspraken.
2. Toetsmethode: werkstuk
3. Bron: Open boek
4. Toetsmedium: Schriftelijk
5. Toetsmoment: Momentopname na proces
6. Beoordelaar: Lector
7. Clausule voor taal: Voor taal- en vormfouten worden er binnen de opleiding orthopedagogie tot 4 punten afgetrokken op schriftelijke opdrachten (verdeling zie onder).
1pt: Afspraken rond de opdracht (met bronvermelding)
1pt: Tekststructuur (& lay-out)
1pt: Formulering: doelgerichte, professionele schrijfstijl
1pt: Correcte taal