Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Koninklijke Academie van Antwerpen
Photo History I (part 1)34617/2803/2223/1/68
Study guide

Photo History I (part 1)

Academic year 2022-23
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts, programme stage 1
    • Photography
  • Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts
    • Photography
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
Special admission is required to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Contract restriction: exam contract can only be followed if different evaluation forms and the like.
Teaching staff: Henneman Inge
Teaching staff are not (all) known yet.
Languages: Dutch, English
Scheduled for: Semester 1
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 31.10.2022 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation: You have to pass this course unit (will never be deliberated).
Total study time: 75,00 hours


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Short description

The course understands the history of photography as a succession of different alliances between the medium and already established cultural systems such as the archive, science, art, etc.

Learning outcomes (list)

BA2 - The student has the necessary knowledge, skills and insights regarding material, form, action, concepts, function and contents of the chosen medi
The student knows the history of the photographic medium (19th century, pictorialism and modernism between the two world wars).
BA3 - The student knows about and understands the social, cultural, artistic, historical and international context of the visual arts and artistic praxis, and continues to develop this knowledge and understanding.
The student can analyze the image language of the photographers discussed and the medium-specific developments and contextualise them in a broader cultural-historical and social perspective.

Course content

The course starts from the crucial insight that photography in itself means 'nothing', but that it was only given purpose and meaning by entering into alliances with already established cultural practices. By means of 10 keynote presentations, the following alliances will be explained in the first semester: those between photography and the archive, between photography and science, between photography and art and between photography and enterprise. Although the course is largely chronological, these alliances cannot be limited to specific periods or times. That is why historical examples will be  juxtaposed with contemporary practices. In addition to an insight into the way in which the idea of 'photography' is constantly rethought in function of the system with which the medium sought (and often found) connection, the course also devotes a great deal of attention to the development of reading strategies in order to be able to analyse photographic images and understand how they generate meaning.

Study material (text): Mandatory

There is no written course. The student prepares for the exam on the basis of his own notes.

NOTE: If measures against the spread of the coronavirus so require, lessons will be replaced by distance learning using recorded classes. They will be made available through Vimeo.

Educational organisation (list)

Exam duration
Estimated time for testing2,00 hours
Learning Activities
Lectures and / or tutorials24,00 hours
  • Remark: The student has to be present. His/her presence will be monitored. She/he has to study for the exam on the basis of her/his own notes taken during class.
Work time outside of contact hours49,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Semester 1Knowledge and comprehension test during the examination series100,00Student attendance is a requirement for this course unit. In case you are legitimately absent, bring a certificate to the secretariat as soon as possible.
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodKnowledge and comprehension test during the examination series100,00

Evaluation (text)

1st period

Written examination on the subject matter of the first semester

NOTE: If anti-corona virus measures prevent you from taking a written exam, this exam will be replaced by an oral exam through Microsoft Teams. Each student is then entitled to 10 minutes of preparation time to formulate their answers to the two questions asked. The maximum duration of each oral exam is 30 minutes.

2nd period

Written examination on the subject matter of the first semester

NOTE: If anti-corona virus measures prevent you from taking a written exam, this exam will be replaced by an oral exam through Microsoft Teams. Each student is then entitled to 10 minutes of preparation time to formulate their answers to the two questions asked. The maximum duration of each oral exam is 30 minutes.