Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Koninklijke Academie van Antwerpen
Artistic pedagogical research33236/2860/2223/1/51
Study guide

Artistic pedagogical research

Academic year 2022-23
Is found in:
  • Educational Master of Arts in Audiovisual & Visual Arts, programme stage 2
    • Visual Arts
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 9 credits
Co-ordinator: Suls Lore
Other teaching staff: Wolfaert Indra
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Academic year
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 31.10.2022 ()
Re-sit exam: not possible.
Possibility of deliberation: You have to pass this course unit (will never be deliberated).
Total study time: 270,00 hours


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Learning outcomes (list)

The graduate possesses the knowledge that support the basic competencies for teachers and is capable of connecting contemporary social themes, creating challenging artistic learning environments developing new ideas for (art-) education.
The student is capable of expanding, actualizing, broadening, deepening and connecting the knowledge, skills and attitudes with contemporary, educational social themes and developments, via a research question and action- research
The graduate creates an artistic learning environment which – in in all its didactic components – connects to the starting point of a group of learners or individual learners, and is pro active with regard to the diversity within the group of learners.
The student can write a well-structured text.
The student can (verbally and digitally) discuss in a constructive manner, collaborate and communicate with fellow students and teachers.
The student can engage in dialogue with fellow students, discuss cases and seek solutions.
The graduate can efficiently plan the organization of educational and learning activities on the short and long term, with the goal of creating an evidenced informed, structured, creative, safe and stimulating artistic learning environment.
The student can plan administrative tasks autonomously and correctly, as well as execute them respecting the deadlines.
The student shows self-reliance and can work autonomously.
The student can autonomously take the appropriate steps towards a critical answer of a research question.
The graduate communicates adequately with parents/ caretakers with diverse language backgrounds and stimulates the involvement and the co-developing of constructive strategies to support and stimulate the learning process of the learners.
The student can bring a presentation that is as concise as needed to capture the audience's attention.
The student can maintain engagement through eye contact, supportive gestures, and voice use.
The student can address a specific group in a self-assured, clear and structured manner.
The graduate can constructively collaborate with external partners with the goal of enriching what is available in education, and also facilitate the interaction between the artistic field, education and the job market.
The student can constructively communicate with external partners, aimed at enriching his research.
The student will be able to collaborate constructively with external partners for the purpose of enriching an ongoing action research project.
The student will be able to communicate and collaborate with internal and/or external partners in a constructive manner
The graduate can autonomously, critically and reflectively unlock the available (inter)national research on an academic level in the domain of being a teacher in general and his/her discipline in particular.
The student can consult and apply suitable sources.
The student can relate different teaching material based on research.
The student can correctly adapt subject- and domain-specific knowlegde to the target groups.
The graduate develops a personal vision based on the possibilities and limits of different theoretical paradigms in educational, didactical and professional research.
Upon completion, the student will be able to position themselves within the art education field and demonstrate the development of their own vision as a visual teacher/art educator.
The graduate is capable of going through a complete research cycle, relevant for education, art education and/or the art educational sector
The student can execute the research cycle autonomously.
The student can choose a methodology that is most appriopriate to answering the research question.
The student will be able to formulate a problem statement relevant to education, arts education, and/or arts education and be able to justify this choice.
The graduate can make creative contributions to the policy and development of a school, cultural institution and art educational organization, based on an active and inquisitive attitude with regard to professional innovation.
The student presents the process and the output of the research process, using relevant and supporting visual material
Students will be able to develop their own new ideas for education, arts education and/or the arts education sector based on knowledge, experience, skills and attitudes and test them against reality through conversations, collaborations and action research.
Based on an active and inquisitive attitude, the student can contribute that the process and/or output of the research project can contribute to policy and development of a school, a socio-cultural institution or an arts educational organization.
The graduate can give direction to, adjust and renew how he/she operates, based on inquisitive learning, self-evaluation and -reflection.
The student can respond with flexibility to any given classroom situation and can solve difficulties based on his professional knowlegde, reflection and insight.
The student reflects on the chosen methodology, the research question, the process, his proper actions the output, and his position as an artist and a teacher as well as the relationship between both.
The student can engage in dialogue with fellow students, discuss cases and seek solutions.
The educational master audiovisual and visual arts can constructively collaborate with colleagues and take initiative, participate and take the lead in disciplinary and interdisciplinary team meetings.
The student disposes of a fitting professional attitude and can discuss and cooperate with colleagues in the field.
The student can discuss, organise and cooperate within the schoolteam and translate this into a structured written report, possibly documented with relevant footage.
The student can engage in dialogue with fellow students, discuss cases and seek solutions.
The student can (verbally and digitally) discuss in a constructive manner, collaborate and communicate with fellow students and teachers.
The student can participate constructively in meetings with the appropriate attitude.
The student will be able to adopt a positive, reflective, and proactive attitude with the stated goal of; functioning independently and as part of a team within the field of work
The student can collaborate and communicate in a constructive manner, takes initiative, demonstrates a sense of responsibility, commitment, and can take charge and lead
The graduate is capable of communicating educational themes and personal strategies for the educational practice to stakeholders in education and the artistic field, and participate in the social debate.
The student can communicate about his research process, results and findings.
The student can facilitate the interaction between the art field, education and the work field

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Collaborative learning90,00 hours
Lectures and / or tutorials25,00 hours
Practicum25,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours100,00 hours
Workplace training and / or internship30,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Academic yearReflection assignment permanently during class weeks (Permanent evaluation)30,00mondelinge + schriftelijke reflecties
Academic yearResearch Assignment70,00100% werkstuk + presentatiepermanent uitgesteld + momentopname na procesDe student is geslaagd bij een minimumscore van 10/20