Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Koninklijk Conservatorium van Antwerpen
Master's Exam Accordion11803/2806/2223/1/80
Study guide

Master's Exam Accordion

Academic year 2022-23
Is found in:
  • Educational Master of Arts in Music & Performing Arts
    Choice option within specialisation:
    • Accordion within Music
  • Master of Arts in Music, programme stage 5
    Choice option within specialisation:
    • Accordion (Master's degree thesis) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Accordion (focus Podium) (Master's Exam Accordion) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
  • Master of Arts in Music
    Choice option within specialisation:
    • Accordion (focus Podium) (Master's Exam Accordion) within Instrumental/Vocal Studies
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 18 credits
Co-ordinator: Proot Stephanie
Other teaching staff: Mariƫn Ludo
Languages: Dutch, English
Scheduled for: Academic year
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 31.10.2022 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation: You have to pass this course unit (will never be deliberated).
Total study time: 540,00 hours


having passed Accordion 4.

Educational organisation (text)

- individual lessons
- group lessons
- discussions master's thesis paper

Supplemented by a selection from:
- rehearsals with keyboard accompaniment
- participation in master classes, lectures and lecture recitals
- participation in student concerts
- participation in projects organized by the institution
- concert attendance

Prerequisite competencies (text)

Achievement of the learning outcomes of the previous course unit.

Learning outcomes (list)

1.1 The student independently broadens and explores repertoire related to his or her discipline.
The student interprets repertoire in exciting and mature ways according to the stylistic standard demanded at an international level.
1.2 The student masters the internationally used stylistic performance practice standards.
The student interprets repertoire in exciting and mature ways according to the stylistic standard demanded at an international level.
1.4 The student makes music in an artistic project in a creative manner.
The student can demonstrate that the concept offers artistic added value for the performance of the chosen repertoire.
The student uses the correct artistic building blocks in terms of this concept (such as repertoire choice, location, artists, presentation format).
1.5 The student can move his or her public through the means of artistic dialogue.
The student consciously moves the public with his or her personal vision and artistic drive.
2.1 The student has thoroughly mastered musical parameters and structures.
The student masters the musical parameters (such as rhythm, melodic line, dynamics, articulation) in the performance.
2.2 The student builds up expertise through organisation and independent study.
The student is enterprising and methodical.
2.3 The student can process musical structures through analysis and interpretation.
The student demonstrates an understanding of harmony and analytical thinking skills.
2.4 The student has acquired the correct playing techniques and posture.
The student masters a proper playing technique and posture.
3.1 The student can employ his or her social and communication skills in order to take on a leadership role.
The student has the necessary social and communication skills.
The student behaves suitably on stage.
The student works in a team (with other artistic disciplines) on the creation of his or her own artistic concept.
The student shows respect for his or her colleagues.
The student can position him- or herself in an intercultural and international context.
The student can work in a group and show leadership in a multidisciplinary and international team.
4.1 The student has extensive knowledge of the broader cultural and (musical) historical context and can use this in his or her artistic practice.
The student creates a strong artistic programme concept that evidences a profound and overarching vision.
The student is aware of the financial, commercial and legal aspects of international professional practice and can apply this in the own artistic practice
The student masters the financial, commercial and legal aspects of his or her discipline.

Course content

Read the vademecum.
The annual program is determined in consultation with the main teacher. This usually involves the program for the master's exam.

Study material (text): Mandatory

- Scores, textbooks and recordings cf. the main teacher's specification
- Scores from the examination program. The examination programme will be determined in consultation with the main teacher.
- Suitable instrument

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Artistic praxis30,00 hours
Collaborative learning30,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours480,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Academic yearArtistic skills assessment during the examination series100,00
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodArtistic skills assessment during the examination series100,00