Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Koninklijk Conservatorium van Antwerpen
Creative Project 126583/2806/2223/1/43
Study guide

Creative Project 1

Academic year 2022-23
Is found in:
  • Master of Arts in Music, programme stage 4
    • Composition
    • Conducting
    • Instrumental / Vocal studies
    Choice option within specialisation:
    • Accordion (focus Podium) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Guitar (focus Podium) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Harpsichord (focus Podium) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Organ (focus Podium) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Orchestra Instrument (focus Podium) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Piano (focus collaborative piano) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Piano (focus Podium) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Pianoforte (focus Podium) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
    • Voice (focus Podium) within Instrumental / Vocal studies
  • Master of Arts in Music
    • Composition
    • Conducting
    • Instrumental/Vocal Studies
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Co-ordinator: Malaise Jeroen
Other teaching staff: Duerinck Isaak
Languages: Dutch, English
Scheduled for: Academic year
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 31.10.2022 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation: You have to pass this course unit (will never be deliberated).
Total study time: 90,00 hours


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Educational organisation (text)

Coaching in groups or individually.

Learning outcomes (list)

1.5 The student can move his or her public through the means of artistic dialogue.
The student demonstrates that he or she has the required skills to work with an external organisation which is actively performing and with professional programming.
2.2 The student builds up expertise through organisation and independent study.
The student can collaborate as a co-organiser in a well-defined role in the performance of an artistic project.
The student works in a team (with other artistic disciplines) on the creation of his or her own artistic concept.
The student can participate as a performing artist in a creative project.
The student can position him- or herself in an intercultural and international context.
The student demonstrates that he or she has the required skills to work with an external organisation which is actively performing and with professional programming.
4.1 The student has extensive knowledge of the broader cultural and (musical) historical context and can use this in his or her artistic practice.
The student can choose a creative project in relation to his or her own artistic profile and can explain this.
4.3 The student can present orally and in writing the results of critical (self-)reflection.
The student can critcally reflect on the creative projects of others and assess these against his or her own artistic profile.
The student can critcally reflect on the project in which he or she is participating.

Course content

Participation in artistic projects of fellow-students or external partners in which the student participates on an artistic level and also takes a non-artistic role with a defined set of tasks.

For specific information, consult the Vademecum for the Master's Exam Creative Project on the website.

Study material (text): Mandatory

Student's own materials (such as scores), supplemented with materials from the teacher and possibly materials from external partners.

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Artistic praxis7,00 hours
Artistic praxis83,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Academic yearArtistic skills assessment during the examination series50,00
Academic yearPortfolio50,00
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodProject assignment100,00