Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Gezondheid en Wetenschap
Labor and delivery 129744/3118/2324/1/31
Study guide

Labor and delivery 1

Academic year 2023-24
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Midwifery, programme stage 1
  • International programmes Health and Life Science
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 9 credits
Co-ordinator: Rimaux Sophie
Other teaching staff: Bernaerts Brigitte, Bosmans Valerie, Brouns Miek, De Bock Vanessa, Driessen Els, Gooris Giovanna, Meyvis Inge, van Asseldonk Fieke, Van de Craen Natacha, Van den Broeck Tom, Van Leugenhaege Luka, Verheyen Veerle
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 1
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2023 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation: You have to pass this course unit (will never be deliberated).
Total study time: 225,00 hours


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Learning outcomes (list)

1. Physiology, care and guidance
The student appoints the physiological phases of birth and the physiological bodypostures associated with it
The student appoints the normal values of all observation points of both maternal and fetal components of a CTG registration.
The student describes all subdivisions of the Apgarscore
The student describes the anatomy of the breast
The student describes the influence of position, posture and of the fetus on the progression of labor
The student describes the placental phase
The student describes the steps of placental research and the accompanying observations
The student describes the obstetric diagnosis completely and correctly
The student describes the birthing mechanism during all stages of birth
The student describes the functioning of the pelvic floor and the associated interaction of pelvic dynamics and labor position
The student discusses the types of contractions
The student defines the levels of Hodge
The student defines the first lactation attempts taking into account the 10 fist rules drawn up by the WHO
The student formulates all observations in the immediate postpartum (<2u after birth) of the mother
The student formulates the importance of skin on skin contact
The student displays the anatomy of the pelvic channel correctly
The student interprets all vital, physical and obstetric parameters after admission
The student is able to determine the beginning of labor
The student mentions the phases of labor
The student summarizes all parts of the newborn's clinical examination
The student summarizes the influencing factors on the physiological course of childbirth
The student summarizes the child's physiological changes at birth
The student demonstrates the correct application of the Cardial and fetal monitoring system and acts according to the basic principles of care
The student demonstrates the catheterisation of the bladder of the woman in labor and acts according to the basic principles of care
The student demonstrates the necessary hygienic care for the mother in the immediate postpartum and acts according to the basic principles of care
4. Psycho-social context
The student gives an overview of the psychological changes of the woman during labor
The student gives an overview of the psychological changes of the woman during childbirth
The student summarizes the psychological aspects of labor and childbirth in parental experience and childbirth
10. Evidence-based midwifery
The student applies a PICO analysis to a predicted obstetric problem
The student searches relevant subject literature using the current databases

Study material (list)

Mandatory€ 39,90
  • Author: Bogaerts, A., Geerdens, L., Gooris, F.
Mandatory€ 15,00
  • Author: Neoventa Medical AB
Mandatory€ 35,55
  • Author: Y. Jacquemyn e.a.
Mandatory€ 90,00
  • Author: Team bachelor in de vroedkunde
Electronic Learning EnvironmentMandatory
  • Author: AP Hogeschool Antwerpen
Recommended€ 24,50
  • Author: Borstvoedingorganisatie La Leche League
Recommended€ 41,50
  • Author: E. Bakker, H. Van Buuren e.a.
Recommended€ 92,95
  • Author: Frederic H. Martini Edwin F. Bartholomew
Recommended€ 141,00
  • Author: G.T.W.J. van den Brink, I.J. Hankes Drielsma, S.G.M. van Driessen, E. te Pas
Recommended€ 36,11
  • Author: Merkx, J.
Recommended€ 29,99
  • Author: B. Smulders, M. Croon
  • Author: Karen Wambach, Jan Riordan
Recommended€ 24,50
  • Author: Mohrbacher, N., Kendaal-Tackett,K.

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Collaborative learning8,00 hours
Lectures and / or tutorials34,00 hours
Practicum8,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours175,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Eerste examenperiodeKnowledge and comprehension test during the examination series70,00Vertrekkende vanuit een aantal situatieschetsen zullen vragen gesteld worden vanuit de verschillende gedoceerde invalshoeken op de niveau's zoals aangegeven in de toetsmatrijs. Deze kennistoets zal digitaal worden bevraagd wanneer dit roostermatig mogelijk is. Anders wordt het een reguliere schriftelijke bevraging.
Eerste examenperiodeProject assignment10,00Zoekmethodiek.
Eerste examenperiodeSkills assessment once during class weeks20,00Stationsproeven
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodKnowledge and comprehension test during the examination series70,00Vertrekkende vanuit een aantal situatieschetsen zullen vragen gesteld worden vanuit de verschillende gedoceerde invalshoeken op de niveau's zoals aangegeven in de toetsmatrijs. Deze kennistoets zal digitaal worden bevraagd wanneer dit roostermatig mogelijk is. Anders wordt het een reguliere schriftelijke bevraging.
2nd examination periodProject assignment10,00Zoekmethodiek.
2nd examination periodSkills assessment during the examination series20,00Stationsproeven