Martin Parr and Garry Badger, 'The Photobook, A History', Volume 1, Chapter 8, The Indecisive moment. Stream-of-consciousness photobook, pp 232-265, Phaidon, 2004
Mark Durden, Photography Today, Phaidon, 2014 (KASK library)
Mary Warner Marien, 'Photography: A Cultural History', Laurence King Publishing, third edition, 2010, part five, 'Through the lens of culture', pp 311-358 (KASK Library)
Bibliotheek van de Fotografie,1,2 & 3, FotoMuseum Antwerpen & Nederlands Fotomuseum, 2004-2007
Roland Barthes, ‘Extracts from Camera Lucida. Reflections on Photography’, The Photography Reader, ed. by Liz Wells (London: Routledge, 2002), pp. 19-30
John Szarkowski, Introduction to The Photogapher’ Eye, 1966 (oa in Liz Wells, The photographic reader , pp 97-103) (Nederlandse vertaling: John Szarkowsky, Inleiding tot ‘Het oog van de fotograaf’, in: (Bibliotheek van de Fotografie 1, FoMu, 2004)
John Berger, Ways of Seeing, London, Pinguin Books, 1972
Walter Benjamin, a Short history of photography, 1931 (New Left Books, Londen, 1971)
Walter Benjamin, Extracts from “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical
Reproduction”’, The Photography Reader, ed. by Liz Wells (London: Routledge, 2002), pp 42-52
Susan Sontag, On Photography, Penguin, 1981 (Nederlandse editie: 'Over Fotografie', De Bezige Bij, 2010)
Sontag, Susan, Regarding the Pain of Others, London, Hamish Hamilton, 2003
Bronnen raadplegen op internet en in (oa) de FoMu bibliotheek
Alan Trachtenberg, Classic Essays on Photography, New Haven, Leete’s Island Books, 1980