Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Koninklijk Conservatorium van Antwerpen
Drums 3 (Jazz)161/3300/2425/1/29
Study guide

Drums 3 (Jazz)

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music, programme stage 3
    Choice option within specialisation:
    • Drums (jazz) within Jazz
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 15 credits
Co-ordinator: Verbruggen Teun
Other teaching staff: de Haas Jan, Smedts Els
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Academic year
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 31.10.2024 ()
Re-sit exam: not possible.
Possibility of deliberation: You have to pass this course unit (will never be deliberated).
Total study time: 450,00 hours


previously registered for Drums 2 (jazz).

Learning outcomes (list)

1.1 The student masters the representative repertoire for his or her discipline.
The student is capable of performing more advanced chord schemes (for example, Monk, Coltrane, etc) and memorising them.
1.2 The student can make music in various styles.
The student is capable of performing simple, standard and harmonically-advanced chord progressions in a stylistically correct manner.
The student is introduced to playing in uncommon time signatures.
1.4 The student is musically creative.
The student is capable of improvising on harmonically more advanced chord schemes.
The student shows an incentive towards personal stylistic development.
1.5 The student engages in a musical confrontation with the audience.
The student behaves suitably on stage.
2.1 The student masters the musical parameters and structures.
The student masters musical skills (tempo, timing, intonation, sound, development of motifs, phrasing, form, listening skills etc).
2.2 The student makes progress through independent study.
The student can draw up an efficient study plan and follow it.
2.4 The student masters the correct playing techniques and postures.
The student masters instrument-specific techniques (plectrum technique, walking bass, formation of sound and projection, articulation, power and finger dexterity, brush technique, bowing technique, independence, syncopation, legato and staccato playing).
2.5b The student recognises musical material on hearing it.
The student experiments with the technical means within his or her discipline.
3.1 The student possesses social and communication skills.
The student can put together a band him- or herself and show leadership.

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Artistic praxis30,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours420,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Eerste examenperiodeArtistic skills assessment during the examination series100,00