Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Business en Recht
ALSEM: Entrepreneurship/234436/3342/2425/1/18
Study guide

ALSEM: Entrepreneurship/2

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • International programmes Business and Law, programme stage 2
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
Teaching staff: De Schepper Nathalie
Languages: English
Scheduled for: Module 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2024 (Academic year)
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation: This course unit is eligible for deliberation according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 60,00 hours

Short description

Course overview

Session 1: How to generate a business idea through design thinking

Session 2: Concept validation and market research

Session 3: Business models

Session 4: Branding and marketing

Session 5: Pitching and storytelling

Session 6: Pitch practice + jury


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Educational organisation (text)

Lectures, discussion, business management skills
Demonstrate a professional level of business competence in a multi-cultural environment
25% of College
75% forms of Group assessment and work

Learning outcomes (list)

1.1 You search, collect and archive classical and digital information.
The student conducts a market and industry analysis.
2.1 You evaluate your own actions and thinking, those of others, and your environment.
The student uses feedback form peers and the market to (re)define concepts.
The student can interpret customer behavior.
2.3 You identify problems and contribute to their resolution.
The student identifies problems and creates solutions through design thinking.
4.3 You think innovatively and creatively and make suggestions to address problems.
The student uses brainstorming techniques that result in creative solutions.
9.3 You correctly assess stakeholder questions and desires and tailor your communications to the target audience.
The student pitches a business idea in a clear and coherent way and adapts the tone of voice depending on the audience.
11.1 You will build a network and maintain your contacts in a professional manner.
The student reaches out to experts, entrepreneurs, and potential customers to obtain new insights.
11.2 You will use appropriate conversation and negotiation techniques in your professional environment.
The student performs user driven market research.
12.2 You adopt a service-oriented and customer-oriented attitude.
The student develops an offering putting the customer first.

Course content

Do you consider entrepreneurship as a career path? Are you interested in learning more about generating creative solutions for daily challenges and problems you experience?

During the course Entrepreneurship you get to know all items that are important to start a business: design thinking, business modelling, branding, financials and pitching and you apply them on your own business idea. At the end of the course, you get the opportunity to pitch your final project in front of a jury of investors and professionals.

You don't have a business idea yet? No worries! We will guide you in te process.

Are you ready to take on this challenge?

In a nutshell:

The course aims at stimulating motivation and skills needed to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
Understanding entrepreneurial mindset, motivation, attitude and behavior
Understanding entrepreneurship as a competence
Evaluating current societal problems
Analyzing target groups via market research
Adapt a creative problem solving mindset
Professionally present and pitch a business proposal
Demonstrate a professional level of business competence interpreting a canvas business model

Educational organisation (list)

Exam duration
Estimated time for testing2,00 hours
Learning Activities
Lectures and / or tutorials18,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours40,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
1st examination periodKnowledge and comprehension test during the examination series50,00Written closed book exam
1st examination periodProject assignment50,00Assessment of a pitch presentation by a professional jury during class hours. Schedule will be provided by the lecturer.
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodKnowledge and comprehension test during the examination series100,00

Evaluation (text)

1st session:
Class conduct
1 individual small paper
Those three are 25% of the marks

1 group work written and oral (45 % on the written part – 30% on the presentation)
Create a business plan and sell the idea to the critical audience