Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Business en Recht
ALSEM: European Institutions and Law/234437/3342/2425/1/52
Study guide

ALSEM: European Institutions and Law/2

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • International programmes Business and Law, programme stage 2
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
Teaching staff: Baeyens Jasmien, Roels Bart
Languages: English
Scheduled for: Module 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2024 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation: This course unit is eligible for deliberation according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.

Short description

This course gives an overview of the history, actors, sources of law and policy fields of the European Union.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Educational organisation (text)

• Lectures with discussions
• Assignments in class: solve cases and exercises, discover the EU website and case law
• Coaching: the lecturer gives feedback during the course

Learning outcomes (list)

Understands law fields and aspects most relevant to the business world; he/she can resolve less complex practical problems within these fields.
The student describes the values and objectives of the European project.
The student indicates which sources are involved in a legal question about .b european law.
In practical situations, the student unravels and dissects the (various, possible) problems of European law and formulates suitable and conclusive solutions to avoid these problems or to remedy these problems.
The student describes and interprets the various institutions and other actors within the European Union.
The student sketches the history of the European Union.
The student possesses the ability to place European political themes in their context.

Course content

This course gives an overview of the history, actors, sources of law and policy fields of the European Union.

History of European Integration: We explore the EU's origins post-World War II and how it evolved to its present form over time.

EU Actors and Powers: From the European Parliament to the Commission and Courts, we study who does what in the EU and how they wield their powers.

Sources of EU Law: We take a look at the primary treaties and the making of secondary legislation. We learn how EU law is applied within national legal systems.

EU Policies: From the internal market to equal pay initiatives, we'll examine the policies driving the EU's mission.

Within this class, we take a practical approach: through solving cases and exercises, we see how EU law impacts the daily life of its citizens.

Study material (list)

  • Author: Karen Davies

Study material (text): Mandatory

The handbook 'Understanding European Union Law' by Karen Davies is used during classes.
It's advised to buy a copy of this book.

Evaluation (text)

Written exam (two hours): multiple choice questions (10 points) and open questions (10 points). The consolidated version of the European treaties can be used if there is nothing written in it, although underlining and marking is allowed.
Second exam period: The student should write an original individual paper about a subject that has been treated during the course.