Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Onderwijs en Training
Project work29214/3344/2425/1/63
Study guide

Project work

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • International programmes AP: European Project Semester, programme stage 3
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 20 credits
Co-ordinator: Marrin Geert
Other teaching staff: Bollaert Hiram, De Schepper Nathalie, De Vries Thomas, Dirkx Bie, Listhaeghe Erwin, Robert Nathan, Van himbeeck Hilde, Vercauteren Lieven
Languages: English
Scheduled for: Semester 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2024 (Academic year)
Re-sit exam: not possible.
Possibility of deliberation: This course unit is eligible for deliberation according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 500,00 hours
Total cost price activities: € 35,00


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Learning outcomes (list)

Task analysis (identifying needs, challenges and opportunities)
the student identifies the client’s needs and the challenges to be met on the basis of the client’s both written and oral start briefing
The student analyses the theoretical and practical context of the project on the basis of the client’s expectations, desktop research and research on end users
The student develops in an early stage several ideas and opportunities that benefit both the project process and the project output, including better solutions to existing and new challenges
Strategic planning (turning ideas into strategic plans & strategically acting according to plan)
The student recognises the potential an idea has for creating value for the client and identifies suitable ways of making the most out of it
The student draws up an ambitious and at the same time realistic project plan for discussion with his/her client and coach
The student estimates potential cost of turning an idea into a value creating product and/or activity
The student carries out the project's product according to the predetermined project plan
The student explores and experiments with innovative approaches
The student includes within the creating process structured ways of testing ideas and prototypes from the early stages, to reduce risks of failing
The student gets and manages the material, non-material and digital resources needed to turn ideas into action
The student gets and manages the competences needed at any stage, including technical, legal and digital competences
The student combines knowledge and resources to achieve valuable effects
The student believes in his/her ability to influence the course of events, despite uncertainty, setbacks and temporary failures
The student is resilient under pressure, adversity, and temporary failure
The students adapts to unforeseen changes
The student verifies on a regular basis whether the project proceeds according to the predefined quality requirements (TMQIO factors: Time, Money, Quality, Organisation, Information)
The student reflects on where the project plan should be adjusted throughout the project process
The student standardizes his/her thinking process in a concise project report in which he/she describes the project work done in close collaboration with his/her team
The student offers in his/her project report the client a road map for further use and development of the product
The student critically evaluates his/her fellow students’ performances as a member of the project group
The student critically evaluates his/her own substantive contribution as a member of the project group
The student reflects on his/her own social contribution to the project group
The student reflects on the application of the learning activities in the EPS supportive courses to his/her project
The student reflects and learns from both success and failure (his/her own and other people’s)
The student learns with others, including peers and coaches
The student listens to the vision and the expertise of the other and also accepts the relativity of his/her own vision and ideas
The student can compare (elements of) the professional practice in his home country and/or home institution with (elements of) the professional practice in other countries and/or other higher education institutions
The student orally presents his/her team’s intermediate and final results and conclusions in an effective and attractive way to an audience of both experts and non-experts
The student uses correct and sufficiently complex English during his/her oral presentations
The student writes a clear and well-written report in English
The student applies, orally as well as in writing, effective and efficient communication methods, means, media and style in function of the various stakeholders of the project
The student quotes and references bibliographically correctly
Teamwork and leadership
The student identifies and assesses in the beginning of the project his/her individual and group strengths and weaknesses
The student acts and works both independently and in group to achieve goals, stick to intentions and carry out planned tasks
The student participates efficiently and effectively in a process-oriented group
The students solves conflicts and faces up to competition positively when necessary
The student inspires and enthuses stakeholders of the project while demonstrating a thoughtful professional counsellor’s posture and attitude
The student gets the support he/she needs to achieve valuable outcomes
The student makes decisions when the result of that decision is uncertain, when the information available is partial or ambiguous, or when there is a risk of unintended outcomes
The student handles fast-moving situations promptly and flexibly
The student demonstrates effective communication, persuasion, negotiation and leadership
Care toward others
The student supports his/her group members, even at times when the process is more difficult or group members struggle with problems
The student uses positive feedback to encourage his/her group members
The student adjusts if necessary his/her behaviour and communication style in intercultural situations and explores behavioural alternatives

Learning objectives

Goals related to content of the course:
To provide an introduction to the Basic Elements of Project Management and putting that theory into practice in a real-life project were students (several projects of 4-6 students) can work out a project from the beginning until the end in a concrete multi-disciplinary project organization.

The aim will be achieved through a series of lectures and group exercises (see Digitap) and by preparing, planning, executing and evaluating the project in the project team.

Course content

Students who enrolled in the European Project Semester work together in an international and interdisciplinary team on a real-life project that matches their area of study and field of interest.

Your project will focus on the metropolitan context and will be done in close cooperation with the university collage and organizations in the field.

An introduction to project management will put you and your team on track. An experienced coach will closely support your interdisciplinary project.

In this project it is all about finding new pathways in interdisciplinary cooperation and developing novel skills and a reflective attitude, working towards a concrete project outcome.

See schedule and WebUntis + schedule Digitap
An introduction on the method project management and assignments in how to make a project proposal, a project plan and a project report (24h).
Weekly (4h) meetings in the project team (together with the project coach and/or client).
Weekly meetings in the project team (without the project coach).
Several presentations (project proposal, midterm presentation, final presentation) regarding the progress of the project (6h).
Delivering the project’s result (8h).

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Collaborative learning360,00 hours
  • Remark: Project visits / excursions
Lectures and / or tutorials50,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours90,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
1st examination periodProject assignment10,00Group score Project Preparation
1st examination periodProject assignment20,00Group score Project Execution
1st examination periodProject assignment20,00Group score Project Completion
1st examination periodProject assignment40,00Individual score Project Execution
1st examination periodProject assignment5,00Individual score Project Completion Peer Evaluation
1st examination periodProject assignment5,00Individual score Project Completion Self Evaluation

Evaluation (text)

Artesis Plantijn Grading Scale compared to the ECTS scale, also available online:

ECTS Grade (A-F) - AP grade - Definition
A - 18/19/20 - EXCELLENT: outstanding performance with only minor errors
B - 15/16/17 - VERY GOOD: above the average standard but with some errors
C - 13/14 - GOOD: generally sound work with a number of notable errors
D - 11/12 - SATISFACTORY: fair but with significant shortcomings
E - 10 - SUFFICIENT: performance meets the minimum criteria
FX - 8/9 - FAIL: possible deliberation
F - 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 FAIL: no deliberation possibility