Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Industrie en Omgeving
IPIOM Master Class conversion37310/3346/2425/1/27
Study guide

IPIOM Master Class conversion

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • International programmes Industry and Environment
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 18 credits
Teaching staff: Bouhadan Azeddine, De Laet Olivier, EgaƱa Viteri Liesbeth, Mendonck Greet, van Roon Renske
Languages: English
Scheduled for: Semester 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2024 ()
Re-sit exam: not possible.
Possibility of deliberation: This course unit is eligible for deliberation according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 312,00 hours

Short description


Every real estate project is constantly developing. Creating visual images in every project phase is an essential communication tool to clarify a project. With Sketchup, students develop skills to create 3D visualisations.


Geographic information systems and Geographic information science (GIS) for processing spatial and non-spatial data has developed in recent years into an indispensable tool that is widely used, both in the public and private sector. GIS is used to analyse and visualise spatial data and to formulate solutions to a wide variety of spatial problems in the field of environmental management, social-spatial economic policy, safety and traffic and transport. Besides the presentation and analysis possibilities, the great strength of GIS lies in the integration of many different policy fields. It is therefore ideal for making a thorough preliminary study of a plot or area. This makes it possible to make suggestions or predictions about the future development of a study area.

Real estate market in Antwerp

The students gain insight into the local real estate market of Antwerp. The functioning of the market, the main stakeholders and the different professional profiles are studied within the four main pillars of the real estate market in Antwerp: residential, retail, offices and industry.

Students gain insight into the selling and letting of different types of real estate in Antwerp and the current transaction prices.

Urban planning

In this course the student gains insight in spatial planning. The following questions are examined: What is spatial planning? How does spatial planning happen? How do 'instruments' and 'plan figures' help to realise plans and ideas about an area?

The student gains insight into urban development regulations and into procedures for changing zoning, building regulations, etc.

The students will take a closer look at the contemporary city with its own problems and new structures.

Sustainable building MC

Sustainable development is a contemporary topic that is addressed in every sector. This is no different in the real estate sector.

Within sustainable building, we start our story with the unavoidable environmental problems and we expand this, taking into account the constantly evolving legislation and technological developments. Finally, we look at the current sustainable solutions and also take a look at the future.

Portfolio MC

With portfolio masterclass Conversion the student creates a portfolio in which his/her self-development is shown.

A portfolio functions as a means to display personal information and information about the education followed, interests, work, real estate projects, skills, etc. The intention is to provide not only a picture of personal development and reflections, but also of gained experiences, competences and preferences. By reflecting on their own attitudes and skills, students can use this tool to demonstrate their development into real estate professionals. If handled well, it can evolve into a showcase portfolio that can be used for job applications.

Project MC

In project masterclass Conversion, students use the competences, acquired in masterclass 1, in an interdisciplinary way around 'a constructed professional assignment', which approaches the reality of the future work field and which the students, just like in the professional practice, have to tackle in teams.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Learning outcomes (list)

Under supervision, study a job-related research question and formulate a structured and well-founded response. This entails collecting specific relevant information, processing, interpreting it, drawing up a report, as well as presenting.
The student takes charge of his own learning and shall further / non-formal develop the predetermined learning outcomes of the educationprogram.
The student can show responsibility and demonstrates a pronounced critical and deontological reflection regarding own actions and acts of others.
The student reflects on his own experience and can draw meaningful lessons for the future.
The student can report about various sectors within the field of real estate
The student can report clearly in writing and orally and present his/her findings in class.
The student can consult GIS viewers and interpret correctly.
The student can critically evaluate the collected geodata.
The student can prepare a drawing automatically with the intention to carry on analyzes.
The student can communicate the result of a spatial problem in an unmistakable layout to third parties through an appropriate output.
The student can use specific real estate language
The student can independently solve simple spatial problems through GIS analysis in the given software.
The student can compare (elements of) the professional practice in his home country with (elements of) the professional practice in other countries.
The student can compaire and evaluate multiple altenative construction methods.
The student knows the different facets of sustainable building and its scope.
The student knows the practical consequences of the different techniques of technical equipment for the user and can assess them at concept level.
The student has basic knowledge of renewable technologies
The student can adapt his behaviour and communication style in intercultural situations if necessary and explores behaviour alternatives.
The student can analyze, solve and report on a practical problem in a creative way
The student can report on research and present it to an audience using appropriate audiovisual media
The student can relate the purchase decision process within consumer behavior and marketing (within a real estate context)
The student can formulate the benefits of a marketing plan and relate them to strategic choices and positioning (within a real estate context)
The student can enhance the online visibility, findability and success of a company.
The student has the ability to develop a digital communicative strategy.
The student is able to attract new leads, visitors, clients and ambassadors.
The student can thoroughly explain the information obligation of the seller and real estate professional in the context of a sale of a property and document it with examples.
The student knows the differences between a private sale and a (online) public auction.
The student can list the types of rental of goods and indicate the differences
The student can deal constructively with the difficulties and negative feelings that may accompany intercultural encounters.
The student understands the importance of market research within marketing and can use and calculate descriptive statistics in order to interpret statistical data of a specific market research (describe distributions).
The student can discuss the types of corporate rights.
The student can explain the process of buying a real estate property.
The student can discuss the conditions of validity of a sales agreement.
The student is able to discuss the duration and termination of a commercial lease.
The student can interpret and apply professional laws and regulations, particularly concerning civil and judicial law, construction and real estate law, environmental law, spatial planning law, tax law, and provide qualitative advice on these matters.
The student can independently document, analyze, and manage a real estate file in all its aspects: technical, financial, fiscal, economic, and legal.
The student can indicate how professional practice in their home country and a specific professional situation are influenced by international political and social developments.
The student can acquire knowledge of other cultures and apply this knowledge in an appropriate manner, respecting the uniqueness of each individual.
The student can express and communicate their opinion on international social and/or political issues in a clear and convincing manner.
The student can communicate commercially (e.g., reporting) with (potential) clients fluently, appropriately, and clearly, and express themselves professionally in multiple languages.

Course content

1. Introduction to the visualization Computer-Aided Design program.
2. Importing a drawing to the visualization program and exporting it to JPG format.
3. Creating 3D objects by using the visualization program. Being addressed in this process:
-Exploring the Interface
-Navigation tools
-Construing tools
-Selection tools
-Organizing tools
-Manipulating tools
4. Designing a residential project in 3D
5. Surface area calculation
6. Volume analysis
1. Start 2 GIS
2. Collecting data and geodata
3. Converting and storing geodata
4. Analysing geodata
5. Visualising geodata
Real Estate Market in Antwerp
1. Introduction to the profession and the professional profile of the real estate agent:
-positioning of the profession
-comparison with related sectors and professions
-comparison with home country
-responsibilities within the different real estate markets: sales, rentals, management, ... --> residential versus non-residential (retail, offices and industry)
2. The actors in the real estate market:
-independent real estate professionals
-franchise chains
-non-residential: retail, offices and industry
3. Current transaction prices of the Antwerp residential property market
-Average sales and rental prices of new projects
-Average sales and rental prices of existing buildings and properties
-Price development over the last 3 years
-Consultation and interpretation of statistics and reports
4. Current transaction prices of the non-residential property market in and around Antwerp (retail, offices and industry)
-Average rental prices
-Average sales prices
-Average yields
-Price development last 3 years
-Consultation and interpretation of statistics and reports te Market in Antwerp
Urban planning
Spatial policy and planning: legislation
- Town and Country Planning Act
- Regional plan
- General and special land-use plans
- Spatial structure planning and Flanders spatial structure plan
- Non-legal plans and documents (master plans, image quality plans, policy-based desired development, etc.)
Spatial policy and planning in practice
- Topicality about spatial policy and planning
- Discussion of current spatial development projects
- Discussion of current spatial policy issues and debate
Sustainable building MC
1. The impact of Environmental issues
2. The importance of sustainable development
3. Sustainable building
-Space consumption
-Material consumption
-Water consumption
-Energy consumption
4. Bio-ecological building
Portfolio MC
The student will compile a portfolio during his programme.
This portfolio must be a selection and arrangement of the student's own achievements, (extra) additional courses followed, conferences and fairs attended, reflections from work placements and/or holidayjob in the sector, ... but also the translation of the student's own cultural and social involvement. The student must make a choice from a series of mandatory activities.
Project MC
In project MC, you will apply your competences, acquired in masterclass Conversion, in an interdisciplinary way around 'a constructed professional task', which approaches the reality of the future work field and which you have to tackle in a team, just like in professional practice.
The students learn in a group to tackle the project structurally and are guided in communicating efficiently with the various actors within a project and in looking for and processing information in order to ultimately arrive at an end product that meets the predefined requirements.
The students work in groups on a practical assignment, a case study: self-study is necessary in preparation for working out the assignment. The nature of this depends on the theme imposed.
It is also a practical application in a realistic context of notetaking and meeting techniques. The working process is documented: reports are made of the working group meetings.
A written report on the elaboration of the project is expected from each group. Finally, the results are set out and explained in an oral presentation.
The content of the assignment and the corresponding regulations can be found on the digital learning platform.

Study material (text): Mandatory

Course materials will be made available digitally through the DigitAP platform


-Law, M., Collins, A., Getting to know ArcGIS pro 2.6 (2020)

Educational organisation (list)

Exam duration
Estimated time for testing
Learning Activities
Collaborative learning64,00 hours
Lectures and / or tutorials70,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours163,00 hours
Workplace training and / or internship15,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Eerste examenperiodePortfolio10,00Modalities see study guide
Eerste examenperiodeProject assignment40,00Modalities see study guide
Eerste examenperiodeSkills assessment permanently during class weeks (Permanent evaluation)50,00Modalities see study guide

Evaluation (text)

Detailed information concerning the evaluation will be communicated to the student at the beginning of the semester (Digitap).

Students who, due to medical reasons or force majeure, do not submit the assignment on time can proceed as follows:

- Within 2 calendar days after the day for which he wants to request a postponement, the student uploads via the iBaMaFlex module 'my absences' a valid medical certificate, as described under the definition no. 43 in article 1.1 of the education and examination regulations, or the necessary evidence for the force majeure situation

- The student who meets the conditions for a postponement of delivery, shall deliver the assignment within 2 days after this legitimate reason has ceased to exist, provided that the day of delivery is not after the last day of class of the semester in which the assignment initially had to be delivered.

The student who meets the conditions for postponement, hands in the portfolio within 2 days after this legitimate reason has ceased to exist, on condition that the day of handing in is at least 2 weeks before the portfolio defence.

Late submission results in a zero for this (sub)examination.

In case of absence (irrespective of legitimacy) from the compulsory information session(s), the compulsory assignments, the projects, the following procedure applies:

At the first absence, the total grade to be obtained is reduced by 1 point of the total score on 20 of the sub-examination concerned. From the second absence onwards, the student receives a code 'F' of 'Fail' for the sub-examination in question.

Code Fail is applied because the competency-based learning processes with specific accents on skill training and attitude building can only be acquired and evaluated within the intended educational setting.

A code 'F' for a partial exam results in a code 'F' for the entire course unit. More information on the code 'F' can be found in article 15.5 of the education and examination regulations (

Students who miss an oral sub examination due to medical reasons or force majeure can request a catch-up examination outside the examination series according to the following procedure:

- The student registers his absence from the partial examination in iBaMaFlex at the latest on the day of the missed partial examination via the module 'my absences' with the reason 'request for make-up time'.

- The student shall prove the reason for his absence from a partial examination for which he wishes to request a make-up examination with a valid medical certificate, as described in the definition of the education and examination regulations, or the necessary evidence for the force majeure situation.

- The student who meets the conditions for participation in a catch-up exam may take the partial examination on the day of the catch-up exam.

For projects missed test moments cannot be made up.

As it is a group work, late submitted projects will not be accepted. There is no second examination opportunity.