Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Business en Recht
Project Business start-up35261/3368/2425/1/47
Study guide

Project Business start-up

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Business Management, programme stage 2
    • Accountancy and Tax
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 6 credits
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Co-ordinator: Van Brandt Theresa
Other teaching staff: El Majdoub Said, Panteleeva Natalia, Tyshchenko Ulyana, Van Gils Ben, Verpoort Roxanne
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 2
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.03.2025 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation/tolerance: This course unit is eligible for deliberation/tolerance according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 156,00 hours
Total cost price activities: € 475,00


having passed Accounting: general principles AND having passed Communication in English AND previously registered for MyTalent: 21st century skills 2 AND (to be taken together with Corporate Accounting 1 OR previously registered for Corporate Accounting 1) AND (having passed, or having a deliberated/tolerated mark for Excel OR to be taken together with Excel) AND (previously registered for English for accountants OR to be taken together with English for accountants) AND (previously registered for Corporate Financing OR to be taken together with Corporate Financing).

Learning outcomes (list)

OLR AF 1.0 - The bachelor BM/AF has insights in fiscal, parafiscal, legal and accountancy rules and processes, in general corporate organisational processes as well as in their interconnection, and can consequently apply these insights in a broad, globalised and changing (inter)national context.
You verify accounting documents.
'You critically interpret the output of the processed documents and the prepared financial plan.
'You provide, as part of a financial plan, the overview of income and revenues, expenses and costs.
'You fill out a VAT return based on concrete data.
'You formulate an advice to the client regarding the start-up of a business.
'You prepare a financial plan according to the minimum content and legal requirements.
'You clarify the importance of a financial plan in the legal context.
OLR AF 2.0 - The bachelor BM/AF recognises opportunities, sets operational goals and proactively participates in reaching the (strategic) goals of a company or organisation.
'You translate the client's financial goals into a financial plan.
OLR AF 3.2 - The bachelor BM/AF works independently, planned, flexibly and accurately and has a problem-solving and innovative approach to optimising fiscal, parafiscal, legal and accountancy rules and processes.
You take a planned approach to arriving at an opinion.
OLR AF 4.0 - The bachelor BM/AF displays a diversity-conscious and coaching attitude towards client- and service oriented operations and independently builds a professional network with (inter)national stakeholders.
You identify the customer's need.
You conduct a consultative conversation with a customer.
OLR AF 5.2 - The bachelor BM/AF makes efficient and effective use of accounting software and digital tools to support stakeholders.
You use profession-specific ICT applications to prepare a financial plan and process various business documents.
You reflect critically on the use and efficiency of job-related ICT applications.
'You use accounting software to accurately process various accounting documents.
OLR AF 7.1 - The bachelor BM/AF can communicate professionally, in spoken and written Dutch, using jargon particular to the trade.
You implement professional jargon.
OLR AF 7.2 - The bachelor BM/AF can communicate professionally, in spoken and written English, using the appropriate vocabulary in a professional context.
You understand documents, articles, reports and emails from your field.
You write a grammatically correct business email informing customers.

Course content

- The software package accounting on computer and the textbook offer the student the opportunity to learn software accounting from some case studies around a fictitious but reality-inspired company. Practice and theory go hand in hand.
- The course material includes some fiscal aspects as well (e.g. VAT legislation on intra-community deliveries, gifts, etc.).
- The students draw up a financial plan for a fictitious company according to the legal standards.
You understand documents, articles, reports, and emails from your field. You master subject-specific terminology. You are able to correspond with a client in a professionally correct manner, prepare a project report and/or executive summary, explain a chart to a client, as well as make a business presentation.

Study material (list)

Mandatory€ 45,60
  • Author: Lindsay De Block - Siem de Ruijter - Els Tryssesoone - Steffi Van Lierde

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Lectures and / or tutorials8,00 hours
Practicum40,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours108,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Eerste examenperiodeProject assignment100,00Werkstuk en/of presentatie.
Open boek.
Deelname aan alle onderwijsactiviteiten is verplicht.
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodProject assignment100,00Werkstuk en/of presentatie Open boek.
Deelname aan alle onderwijsactiviteiten is verplicht om te kunnen deelnemen in 2de zittijd.