Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Koninklijk Conservatorium van Antwerpen
Portfolio 124318/3371/2425/1/56
Study guide

Portfolio 1

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Dance, programme stage 1
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Co-ordinator: Van Langendonck Katleen
Teaching staff are not (all) known yet.
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 1 or Academic year
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 31.10.2024 () or 31.10.2024 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation: This course unit is eligible for deliberation according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 90,00 hours

Short description

Portfolio is an ongoing course from year 1 to 3 that provides students with tools to embrace, research and analyse their own artistic identity in relation to the dance field.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Prerequisite competencies (text)

Passed the admission test.

Learning outcomes (list)

Critically reflects upon own artistic practice to situate and engage within diverse social and artistic contexts
Reflects upon own position in the dance field
Observes, reflects on, writes and communicates about an artistic creation
Reflects on practice to gain an understanding of own potential
Investigates, digests and engages in current arts research
Has a basic awareness of own artistic identity and research interests and begins to relate own vision to current arts research
Uses relevant skills to communicate and dialogue with diverse target groups
Knows the difference between a personal, subjective and objective, analytical writing style
Can enter into a critical and constructive dialogue with peers about artistic research

Learning objectives


Course content

Portfolio is an ongoing course from year 1 to 3 that provides students with tools to embrace, research and analyse their own artistic identity in relation to the dance field. Emphasis is on ways of defining, clarifying, and arguing points of view. 

In the Portfolio Atlas classes, students are prompted to contextualize their artistic practice by placing it in a network of references. While stimulating this contextual awareness, throughout the three Bachelor years the students are stimulated to bring some of their artistic topics and themes into clear focus, to be able to embark on a more in depth research both in their artistic practice and in their artistic research. With a series of tasks, the students are asked to start externalizing parts of their artistic visions, ideas, and aspirations. 

Portfolio 1 writing classes combine personal reflections with more analytical writing. A class about dance manifestos historically, is followed by the task of writing their own dance manifesto, and feedbacking them in small groups. Second task is the writing of a movement diary, which entails a detailed observation of their daily life from the perspective of movement and not specifically dance. Next, a class on dance criticism, is followed by writing a blog review and a newspaper review about two different dance performances recently seen. The first versions are discussed in class.

In the Atlas-class in BA1, the students are invited to reflect upon their first year in school, as a person and an artistic person, by gathering a collection of images. Taking the work of Aby Warburg as a point of departure, artistic production is contemplated as a montage, in which things, places and time can be reconfigured. Students make, discuss and remake their own atlas, before the final class in which the atlases are presented and discussed in a classical ‘exposition’.

Study material (text): Mandatory

Trotter DANCE: study guide for the bachelor dance programme

Study material in the online learning platform Digitap

Study material (text): Recommended

It is highly recommended for students to attend performances, concerts and exhibitions, as well as to carry out research via the Internet, library, etc to expand their awareness of the working field, current trends and research

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Collaborative learning5,00 hours
Lectures and / or tutorials5,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours80,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Eerste examenperiodePortfolio100,00
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodPortfolio100,00

Evaluation (text)

Refer to the evaluation list for the specific evaluation components of the course unit.

Re-sit exam
Not all courses have a re-sit exam possibility. Refer to the notification above in this ECTS information sheet for the possibility of a re-sit exam for this course unit.

A re-sit exam -
• is not possible for assessment methods that use permanent evaluation (see evaluation list above). When a re-sit exam is possible for the course, the grade for the permanent evaluation of the first examination period is transferred to the second examination period.
• is possible for the evaluation components that do not include permanent evaluation.

Attendance requirement:
A minimum of 80% attendance is required. For less than 80% attendance, the student will receive 0/20 for (all) permanent evaluation assessment method(s).

Conditions for legitimate absence:
• An absence is substantiated by a medical certificate uploaded in iBamaFlex!
• An absence approved by the head of programme or artistic coordinator.