Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Business en Recht
Medical Office Management/138269/3381/2425/1/87
Study guide

Medical Office Management/1

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Organisation & Management, programme stage 1
    • Health Care Management
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 3 credits
Teaching staff: Van Eester Ria
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Module 1
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 30.09.2024 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation/tolerance: This course unit is eligible for deliberation/tolerance according to the criteria as determined by the degree programme you are enrolled in.
Total study time: 78,00 hours


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Learning outcomes (list)

1.3 You ensure efficient information flow and processing.
The student can correctly interpret a patient's medical records and put them in the correct place in a medical report.
2.3 You identify problems and contribute to their resolution.
The student thinks critically, asks focused questions and suggests solutions.
3.1 You weave an understanding of the work organization.
The student understands the different functions of an HCM during the company visit.
3.5 You remain composed in stressful situations, respond efficiently, are flexible and courteous under all circumstances.
The student responds appropriately to overly aggressive and overly assertive patients.
5.0 You are punctual, work quickly and efficiently, orderly and accurately.
Students complete their tasks within the allotted time with attention to language, layout and content.
8.1 You demonstrate an active attitude toward professional development.
The student is obliged to actively participate in the company visit (= speed dates UZA) so that the student gets acquainted with the different services in the hospital.
9.4 You engage in dialogue, argue reasoned, professional and empathetic.
The student applies appropriate conversation techniques adapted to the target audience.
9.5 You are discreet and communicate in accordance with professional ethics and corporate culture.
The student takes into account the rules of the GDPR and the profession.
13.3 You pay attention to quality assurance.
The student is open to new work processes with attention to the humane process.

Study material (list)

Mandatory€ 1,00
  • Author: Rve
Mandatory€ 5,00

Educational organisation (list)

Exam duration
Estimated time for testing2,00 hours
Learning Activities
Lectures and / or tutorials18,00 hours
Practicum6,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours52,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Eerste examenperiodeKnowledge and comprehension test during the examination series80,00Alle opgedane kennis wordt getoetst aan de hand van een schriftelijk examen met gesloten, open en meerkeuzevragen. Dit schriftelijk examen telt mee voor 80%.
Eerste examenperiodeProject assignment20,00Student dient autonoom een project schriftelijk uit te werken. De conclusie dient te worden gepresenteerd aan de medestudenten. De puntenverdeling gebeurt als volgt: presentatie (5 p), creatieve vraagstelling + correcte verwerking van het antwoord (5 p), de lay - out (5 p) en correct schriftelijk taalgebruik (5 p).
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodKnowledge and comprehension test during the examination series100,00Bij de tweede examenkans krijgen de studenten een schriftelijk examen over de gehele cursus dat voor 100 % zal meetellen.