Interpret and apply job-related rules and regulations, relating, in particular to: civil and judicial law, building and real estate law, environmental law, town and country planning law, tax law, ... and to advise on these in a meaningful manner.
Interpret and apply job-related rules and regulations, relating, in particular to: civil and judicial law, building and real estate law, environmental law, town and country planning law, tax law, ... and to advise on these in a meaningful manner. |
Apply job-related ICT applications and use standard software, multimedia and communication tools in the workplace.
Apply job-related ICT applications and use standard software, multimedia and communication tools in the workplace. |
Initiate, promote, organise and follow up building promotion projects, from prospecting and the feasibility study, right through to the implementation and financial settlement.
Initiate, promote, organise and follow up building promotion projects, from prospecting and the feasibility study, right through to the implementation and financial settlement. |
The student can indicate to what extent the professional practice in his home country and specific professional situations are influenced by international political and social developments. |
Respect the relevant deontological codes, show responsibility and demonstrate a pronounced ethical, critical and deontological reflection regarding own actions and acts of others.
The student can show responsibility and demonstrates a pronounced critical and deontological reflection regarding own actions and acts of others. |
Describe, analyse and assess the different types of real estate.
Describe, analyse and assess the different types of real estate. |
Work in an interdisciplinary team with professionals (colleagues, notaries, construction partners, accountants, tax experts, bankers, lawyers, government, ...) and also in an international context if so required.
Work in an interdisciplinary team with professionals (colleagues, notaries, construction partners, accountants, tax experts, bankers, lawyers, government, ...) and also in an international context if so required. |
The student can express his opinion on international social and / or political issues in a clear and convincing way. |
The student can compare (elements of) the professional practice in his home country with (elements of) the professional practice in other countries. |
The student can gain knowledge about other cultures and applies this with respect for the uniqueness of each individual person. |
The student can adapt his behaviour and communication style in intercultural situations if necessary and explores behaviour alternatives. |
The student can deal constructively with the difficulties and negative feelings that may accompany intercultural encounters.
The student has knowledge of his own reference framework and world view, and can relate this to different perspectives. |
Under supervision, study a job-related research question and formulate a structured and well-founded response. This entails collecting specific relevant information, processing, interpreting it, drawing up a report, as well as presenting.
Under supervision, study a job-related research question and formulate a structured and well-founded response. This entails collecting specific relevant information, processing, interpreting it, drawing up a report, as well as presenting. |
Collect, analyse and apply urban development information in a spatial context
Collect, analyse and apply urban development information in a spatial context |
Technical knowledge related to construction, materials recognition, construction physics, construction pathology, renovation and maintenance.
Technical knowledge related to construction, materials recognition, construction physics, construction pathology, renovation and maintenance. |
Carry out a study, design and develop a space, including the provision of guidance during the implementation, with due consideration for the environment and safety.
The student can indicate to what extent the professional practice in his home country and specific professional situations are influenced by international political and social developments. |
Communicate well and clearly in a commercial manner (including reporting) with (potential) customers and the ability to express themselves in a professional context in different languages.
Communicate clearly in a commercial manner (including reporting) with (potential) customers and the ability to express yourself in a professional context in different languages. |
The student can adapt his behaviour and communication style in intercultural situations if necessary and explores behaviour alternatives. |
Independently document, analyse and manage a real estate dossier in all its facets: architecturally, financially, from a taxation point of view, economically and legally.
Independently document, analyse and manage a real estate dossier in all its facets: architecturally, financially, from a taxation point of view, economically and legally. |
Set up, organise and run a real estate office / land-surveying office on their own.
Set up, organise and run a real estate office / land-surveying office on their own. |