Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Media, Design en IT
Interface DesignLab V - Final Project36575/3376/2425/1/47
Study guide

Interface DesignLab V - Final Project

Academic year 2024-25
Is found in:
  • Bachelor of Graphical and Digital Media, programme stage 3
    Programme option:
    • Labs year 2 sem 4: IDL
In other study programme:
  • Bachelor of Graphical and Digital Media as Interface DesignLab V - Final Project_CMO
This is a single course unit.
Study load: 12 credits
It is not possible to enrol in this course unit under
  • credit contract.
  • exam contract (to obtain a credit).
  • exam contract (to obtain a degree).
Teaching staff: De Bie Marijke, De Clerck Lies, Goedemé Lien, Van Aerschot Wim, Van Camp Serge, Vanhaeren Bram, Yperzeele Saskia
Languages: Dutch
Scheduled for: Semester 1
This course unit is marked out of 20 (rounded to an integer).
Possible deadlines for learning account: 15.10.2024 ()
Re-sit exam: is possible.
Possibility of deliberation/tolerance: You have to pass this course unit (will never be deliberated/tolerated).
Total study time: 312,00 hours


having finished at least 60 ects credits in programme part (year) 1 AND having finished at least 54 ects credits in programme part (year) 2.

Learning outcomes (list)

You draw up a realistic plan of action for a larger project following the design thinking methodology.
You independently analyse a communication issue within the context of your lab.
You define the design challenges that the media solution for your issue will have to meet.
You assess the commercial feasibility of your final design.
You independently go through a divergence and convergence phase in your creative process.
You argue the design choices you make in the different phases of your creative process.
You apply the input from user tests, feedback rounds and research to optimise your design.
You develop your media solution technically/qualitatively according to the rules of the art.
You reflect critically on your own trajectory and the final result.
to communicate
You clarify the different steps in the design process using your project documentation.
Je neemt een live publiek mee doorheen je volledige ontwerpproces tijdens een overtuigende presentatie van je projectopdracht.

Educational organisation (list)

Learning Activities
Practicum24,00 hours
Work time outside of contact hours288,00 hours

Evaluation (list)

Evaluation(s) for first exam chance
Eerste examenperiodeResearch Assignment100,00indien- en/of presentatiemomenten kunnen in de examenperiode gepland worden - raadpleeg de studiewijzer voor de exacte afspraken.
Evaluation(s) for re-sit exam
2nd examination periodResearch Assignment100,00